I updated from 1.41.3 to 1.42.3 today, with no errors reported by MediaWiki following the update. Viewing the wiki is working fine as far as I can tell, but I'm unable to load either the Visual Editor or the Wikitext Editor; if I go to my preferences page, I also can't switch tab (it loads "User profile", but clicking on any of the others has no effect).
When going into the browser console, I see this message:
The resource from “” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
as well as a 500 response to the GET request for that URL.
It appears at least once on all pages; on the preferences page or on edit pages it appears twice. It appears regardless of what skin I have enabled (since preferences won't let me load the "Appearance" tab, I have to change by disabling Vector and switching the default skin in LocalSettings.php), and I have updated my skins to make sure they are the most recent available version.
When I go to that resource URL, I WAS also getting this error:
[8214b8572551d262133baaf6] /wiki/load.php?lang=en-gb&modules=startup&only=scripts&raw=1&safemode=1&skin=vector Error: Class "ResourceLoaderSkinModule" not found
from /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader.php(417)
#0 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader.php(453): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader->getModule()
#1 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/StartUpModule.php(170): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader->preloadModuleInfo()
#2 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/StartUpModule.php(425): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule->getModuleRegistrations()
#3 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/Module.php(839): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule->getScript()
#4 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/Module.php(808): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module->buildContent()
#5 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/Module.php(951): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module->getModuleContent()
#6 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader.php(686): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module->getVersionHash()
#7 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader.php(786): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader->getCombinedVersion()
#8 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoaderEntryPoint.php(53): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader->respond()
#9 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/includes/MediaWikiEntryPoint.php(199): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoaderEntryPoint->execute()
#10 /home/murdo/.murdomaclachlan/wiki/mediawiki/load.php(42): MediaWiki\MediaWikiEntryPoint->run()
#11 {main}
From my understanding ResourceLoaderSkinModule was removed in an earlier version, so I have no idea what was trying to access it.
However, I'm now getting the same error but for a "ResourceLoaderOOUIIconPackModule" class instead. When I go looking for this, it seems to be a file that should be under "includes/ResourceLoader/", but this file simply doesn't exist on my system. I even re-downloaded the 1.42.3 files to double check and it's not there. As far as I can tell it too has been removed.