Topic on Project:Support desk

Mahabarata73 (talkcontribs)

There is a problem with this page and I don't have enough experience to solve it.

The text begins with "The Popups (known in Special:Version as Previews)".

But if you follow the link to the Special:Version page, you will see that there is no "Previews" on this page (nor "Popups" by the way).

I thought of 2 solutions:

  • remove the wrong text on the Extension:Popups page
  • add, in the right table (I don't know which one) of the Special:Version page, the information about this (important) extension.

I think that the best solution is the second one but I don't know who can do it.

If you think solution 1 is better, I can make the change if needed.

Clump (talkcontribs)

Correct, the link is to this wiki's own Special:Version page, and neither is installed here, but it should really be referring to a description of the Special:Version page on the wiki in which that extension is installed. Given the context, perhaps a better link would be to Manual:Developing extensions#Registering features with MediaWiki.

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