Topic on User talk:Shirayuki

Mahabarata73 (talkcontribs)


There is a problem on this page (not a big one but it needs to be fixed), I wanted to fix it but I don't have authorization.

The last category is wrong, it shows a page with one item : Category:Global Objects variables when it should show this page Category:Global object variables

Could you fix this ?

It also means that the first category will be empty so the page (and the translated pages) should be removed.


Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

The category name is determined in Template:SettingSummary based on the value of the section parameter. However, since there is no handling for section=global objects, the page is categorized under the default category name (Global Objects variables).

Mahabarata73 (talkcontribs)
Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Manual:$wgConf"