Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

Special pages not functioning properly

Cl0vermead0w (talkcontribs)

my special pages have a different format to the default and i have no clue why

e.g. Special:EmailUser?wpTarget=TargetUsername does not work, but Special:EmailUser/TargetUsername does work

idk if it's relevant but below is the path setup

$wgScriptPath = "";

$wgScriptExtension = "$wgScriptPath/index.php";

$wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1";

$wgUsePathInfo = true;

foreach ($actions as $action) {

  $wgActionPaths[$action] = "$wgArticlePath/$action";


$wgActionPaths["view"] = "/wiki/$1";

$wgActionPaths["rollback"] = "/index.php?title=$1&action=rollback";

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