Topic on Extension talk:ConfirmAccount

Custom message, bug in extension documentation

InkluPedia (talkcontribs)

Is it possible to customize the text provided in each section of the form provided by this extension? Or at least set some text before the extension provides the form? This will allow me to describe why this extension is necessary in my wiki.

I have found a small improvement for the extension documentation. Currently it contains "Add the following to LocalSettings.php after the line require_once "$IP/extensions/ConfirmAccount/ConfirmAccount.php";." This is outdated and does not fit to "wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmAccount' );" in the documentation before this.

InkluPedia (talkcontribs)

I checked Special:AllMessages for prefix=confirmaccount and found some dozens of system messages. But I did not found any of the texts provided by extension ConfirmAccount. Here is an example. My wiki is in German language. Spezial:Benutzerkonto_beantragen provides text "Die folgenden Informationen werden vertraulich behandelt..." but I cannot found this text in Special:AllMessages

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