Topic on Project:Support desk

1.39 how to setup mobile skin?

2003:C2:3F21:FD00:9449:AC0F:F20E:94B7 (talkcontribs)

Mediawiki 1.39.6, PHP 7.4.3, MySQL 8.0.36

wfLoadExtension( 'MobileDetect' );
wfLoadExtension( 'MobileFrontend' );
wfLoadSkin( 'MinervaNeue' );
$wgMFDefaultSkinClass = 'SkinMinerva';
$wgDefaultMobileSkin = 'MinervaNeue';
$wgMinervaEnableSiteNotice = true;
$wgMFAutodetectMobileView = true;
$wgMFEditorOptions = array(
        'anonymousEditing' => false,
        'skipPreview' => false

Till 1.35 we used to have MinervaNeue as mobile skin. With 1.39, this doesn't work anymore. Mobile devices apparently use the vector skin. What will i have to do to make the mobile skin work?

The mediawiki logfile is full of thousands of lines which don't say nothing to me, by filtering "mobile" i found one interesting line:

[resourceloader] Module "ext.MobileDetect.mobileonly" not loadable on target "mobile".


Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Do you have the correct versions of all your extensions? You need 1.39 version of Minerva and MobileFrontend etc.

2003:C2:3F21:FD00:E5D4:4DFC:FAFA:3692 (talkcontribs)

I am quite sure. MobileDetect 2.2 (fc3a66e) 18:49, 11. Feb. 2024, MobileFrontend 2.4.0 (7dc20b0) 07:36, 4. Mär 2024, MinervaNeue – (d515f6a) 08:24, 29. Apr. 2024

These are the versions I get when using ExtensionDistributor and SkinDistributor using target "1.39"

In the desktop browser, skin MinervaNeue has got the look. After login, of course. On my mobile, the skin is like vector, whether I am logged in or not. This means even when I select MinervaNeue in my user preferences!

Certainly the problem is sitting here in front of my screen, but I've got no more ideas where to look.

Pspviwki (talkcontribs)

How about $wgDefaultMobileSkin = 'minerva';

2003:C2:3F3F:4A00:49D7:2504:A269:1D1 (talkcontribs)

This answer is not helpful. In fact, may you be volunteers or not, this is exactly the kind of answer that makes me angry. This is exactly the kind of support that is superfluous. "Why do you want to use x, use y" is intolerable.

We used to have MinervaNeue as mobile skin for years and years. It used to work for years and years. Now with the upgrade it does not work anymore. You tell me I should use another skin. I am upset, i am outraged. If it does not work THEN DO NOT OFFER IT.

2003:C2:3F3F:4A00:B4E7:5E4:D871:A6EB (talkcontribs)

f***, te name of the skin is MinervaNeue but the value of the parameter is minerva. But, it has been working for years and years so obviously some sort of braniac must have changed it. Those kind of modifications are making me ill. Thanks for the conversation.

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