Topic on Extension Integration/Flow

Statcounter doesnot work in MediaWiki V1.39

Pacha35 (talkcontribs)

Hi, with old MediaWiki version (1.29), Statcounter extension works fine.

With the 1.39 version of MediaWiki, Statcounter extension doesnot work at all.

Is there a fix for that ?

The extension page is always the same without any restrictions : Integration


Pacha35 (talkcontribs)


I contacted Statcounter support.

Now the extension for MediaWiki doesn't work anymore.

It is replaced by the Statcounter code for Mediawiki to be placed at the beginning of MediaWiki:Common.js as below:

/* Statcounter code for YOUR WIKI SITE */

var sc_project=YOUR NUMBER;

var sc_invisible=1;

var sc_security="YOUR SECURITY CODE";

var script = document.createElement('script');

script.src = ""


/* End of Statcounter Code */

I have tried this solution and it works fine.

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