Topic on Extension talk:WikiEditor/Archive 2

Selven (talkcontribs)

hi guys i've got a problem with bootstrap 4: after upgrading from mediawiki 1.35 to mediawiki 1.39 the link editor tool not work anymore it seems to work but actually not ler you post the link or exit if not with the cros in the upperright corner of it's windows

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

Can you please explain how bootstrap 4 interacts with your wiki editor ? By default MediaWiki doesn't use any bootstrap.

Selven (talkcontribs)

Hi sorry for the delay, i have bootstrap 4.5.0 added in my personalized extension for wiki tablet filter, it's called via JavaScript in the JSON files, but with the layer of bootstrat the link tool of wikieditor 1.39 not work. It Will open and do all, but cannot send the the link and exit, with the previous versione 1.35 i had no problem

YOUR1 (talkcontribs)

It's quite nasty; but we've managed to create a custom script when using Bootstrap;

   (function() {
      var originalButtonMethod = $.fn.button;
      $.fn.button = function() {
         if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[0] === 'option' && this.hasClass('wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-insert')) {
            var optionName = arguments[1];
            if (optionName === 'disabled') {
               return false;
         return originalButtonMethod.apply(this, arguments);

The issue it self is related to The if statement returns true, probably because there is a race condition between jquery-ui and your custom skin.