Topic on Extension talk:Score/Flow

Mistake in notation of whole rest and half rest

Summary by Superjurek

In this page and in article on Wikipedia are evidences that present version of LilyPond shows both rests correctly.

Superjurek (talkcontribs)

I'd like to notice that in this extension we have mistake in notation of rests. As I know the correct notation is subsequently:

r1-\markup { \smaller half rest}
r2-\markup { \smaller whole rest} we have equantion:

+ =

In present MediaWiki version of LiliPond is wrong notation, because is subsequently:

r2-\markup { \smaller half rest}
r1-\markup { \smaller whole rest}

So in point of MediaWiki's view it is at the moment so...:

+ =

Could anybody correct this failure in this extentension? Thanks in advance!

Superjurek (talkcontribs)

If I mixed up both rests and this version of LilyPond shows correctly, then I would like to retract this Thread. I was honestly convinced that I thought right.