Topic on Talk:Page Previews/Flow

Bug: No Page Preview for some italic texts

Summary by Paloi Sciurala

It works now.

Paloi Sciurala (talkcontribs)

Visit anonymously (logged-out) ro:Special:Permalink/15340489:

  • 1.: If you hover over "Iepure ryukyu ", the popup appears. If you hover over "(P. furnessi)", there is no popup.
  • 2.: If you hover over "Iepure ryukyu (P. furnessi)", there is no popup.
  • 3 & 4: If you hover over "Iepure ryukyu (P. furnessi)" or "Iepure ryukyu (P. furnessi)", the popup appears. No problem here.
Alsee (talkcontribs)

Note: When I went to the link and tried them, some entries did not generate popups. However when I went back over them second time to more carefully examine which did or did not work, they all worked.

Speculation: Either there was an issue with some of them being slow and we just abandoned the hover before it could come through, or hovering a later version somehow fixed the earlier one. A wild speculation, but is it possible that hovering a later link generated a cache-hit which incidentally fixed a link that - in isolation - didn't work?

Paloi Sciurala (talkcontribs)

As of 11 February 2023, the bug still persists.