Hi everyone, I've tried installing EasyTimeline on a wiki that also uses Extension:Maps. I installed it as per instructions on the Extension:EasyTimeline/installation discussion thread about Linux installations, as it was broken otherwise. It works! But after a while (maybe 10 minutes) it seems to break the Maps extension, disabling its #display_maps hooks (all that's left is the code on the page, rather than the map).
I've narrowed it down to the following code in Timeline.php that Maps seems to have a problem with:
function wfTimelineExtension() {
global $wgParser;
$wgParser->setHook( "timeline", "renderTimeline" );
Update.php tells me that $wgParser is deprecated, so this seems to be the thing that's clashing with the Maps extension.
I've tried searching for a solution online but the only solution was someone working on Extension:SimpleTable but their work is apparently unstable so I have decided not to pursue it. Any help would be very appreciated.