Topic on Extension talk:Iframe/Flow

How to embed URL containing question mark?

Jeroen375 (talkcontribs)

I want to embed an iframe from a google spreadsheet and use a URL like:

spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT4DSvwql4uZqNKGRnbIUCLgWjDyAS1mGsyHQ4mJ-KsmyGrOuMnx54iJ/pubhtml?gid=1047995&amp (url is changed)

I do have defined key, scheme (https) and domain ( It seems to work partly, because I do get a response from google, but telling me it can't find the page and showing the link without everything behind the question mark.

Should this work or is it expected behaviour that everything behind the "?" is ignored?

Thanks for your response,

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