This extension is not setup to work with wikieditor. Even after adding changes suggested below, the nothing shows up in the GUI with the wikieditor. I like this extension better than Multiboilerplate, because it is supposed to be able to insert at the cursor. Hopefully it will get updated at some point in the future.
Topic on Extension talk:BoilerRoom/Flow
It does... but you need to include the extension it in your LocalSettings prior to the wikieditor extension.
Here's how to fix BoilerRoom to work with 1.39:
In extensions/BoilerRoom/includes/BoilerplateNamespace.php:
class BoilerplateNamespace {
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
In the line that says:
return new BoilerplatePage( $boilerplateWikiPage->getContent( Revision::RAW )->getNativeData() );
change it to:
return new BoilerplatePage( $boilerplateWikiPage->getContent( RevisionRecord::RAW )->getNativeData() );
In your LocalSettings.php:
Add at the bottom:
$wgUseAjax = true;
In extensions/BoilerRoom/includes/BoilerRoomInit.php:
In the line that says:
$wgHooks['ParserBeforeStrip'][] = Array( BoilerplateTag::getInstance(), 'processPage' );
Change it to:
$wgHooks['ParserBeforeInternalParse'][] = Array( BoilerplateTag::getInstance(), 'processPage' );