Topic on Extension talk:OpenID Connect

Which URL to use for "$wgOpenIDConnect_Config"?

Summary by Kghbln
Kghbln (talkcontribs)

I was presented with three different URLs (stages): 1. Authorization Endpoint, 2. Token Endpoint and 3. User Info Endpoint. I am not sure which one to use. Instinctively I went for 1. but since I am getting an fatal for all of them I am unsure which one to select.

Cindy.cicalese (talkcontribs)
Cindy.cicalese (talkcontribs)
Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your reply and insight. From this is was able to figure out the correct URL. Admittedly, if I had read the existing docu more thoroughly I should have figured it out myself. Still I have adapted the existing docu to make this even more clear.