Topic on Extension talk:PortableInfobox/Flow

PHP deprecated when running refreshLinks.php

1 (talkcontribs)

Hi, I've recently upgraded to MediaWiki 1.36 from 1.35.1. I'm using the master version of PortableInfobox. Since the MediaWiki upgrade, running refreshLinks.php results in the following warning when refreshing some pages.

PHP Deprecated:  Use of Parser::doBlockLevels was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.35. [Called from PortableInfobox\Parser\MediaWikiParserService::parseRecursive in /var/www/w/extensions/PortableInfobox/includes/services/Parser/MediaWikiParserService.php at line 50] in /var/www/w/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 376

The refreshLinks.php script can still run despite the warning, but it takes noticeably longer now, and occasionally it just hangs.