Topic on Extension talk:Collection/Archive 3

Foreign character support?

Mcb570 (talkcontribs)

Hi all,

Hopefully someone can guide me on this topic. I recently installed the Collection extension in our MW 1.28 environment but I am seeing some issues when exporting pages which contain foreign characters as PDFs. Have a look:


回答が遅くなっておりまして申し訳ありません。 1つ目のご質問について、現在調査中のため、回答までお時間をいただけます ようお願いいたします。

Turns into this:

https : //

I've read through the extension doc as well as the mwlib doc but I've been unable to resolve the issue. Is there something else I'm missing, a font, a setting, anything?


Mcb570 (talkcontribs)

OK, so this definitely appears to be a missing font issues...however when I installed missing fonts and symlinked the issue remains.

ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/* /mwlibfonts/

Are any additional edits required for

Any help greatly appreciated!

Mcb570 (talkcontribs)

figured it out... /mwlibfonts/ was at the root not ~/mwlibfonts/ moving the font symlinks to the root user's home fixed it.

Now for unicode support...

🦄 = ᾘ?

Any thoughts on an additional font package required to handle this?

Ckepper (talkcontribs)

AFAIK, emojis have never worked so far. If you want to dive into that, you can either add an Emoji font like Symbola (Download) but this will only give you only black and white Emojis.

For color Emojis, you could look into a package like Emojipy or Emoji to bring Emoji capabilities to Reportlab. This six year Blogpost outlines the approach.

Mcb570 (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the pointers, I'll have a look.

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