Topic on Extension talk:ClipUpload

Invalid CSRF token with Mediawiki 1.35

Jiou7 (talkcontribs)

ClipUpload was not working with Mediawiki 1.35 / WikiEditor due to the following error : "Invalid CSRF token".

To make it work, I replaced 'editToken' by 'csrfToken' line 66 of inline-attach.js :

formData.append("token", mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'));

Maveruri (talkcontribs)

Hi, thank you so much for this.

I am now able to use this extension with Mediawiki 1.35

DGessel (talkcontribs)

This worked for me as well. It'd be great to update the plugin for people who don't find this helpful hint. Thanks @Jiou7

HoltzeDK (talkcontribs)

Thanks! - This solution is still working with MediaWiki 1.39.2

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