I just upgraded to MediaWiki 1.35 and updated the Google AdSense to 1.35, but I keep getting this error multiple times, along with undefined variable for GoogleAdSenseEncoding.
I load the extension with the following code:
wfLoadExtension( 'GoogleAdSense' );
$wgGoogleAdSenseClient = 'pub-5737815xxxxxxxxx';
$wgGoogleAdSenseSlot = '1234xxxxxx';
$wgGoogleAdSenseID = 'myIdName';
$wgGoogleAdSenseWidth = 120;
$wgGoogleAdSenseHeight = 600;
$wgGoogleAdSenseSrc = '//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js';
$wgGoogleAdSenseAnonOnly = true;
I've tried setting values for the undefined variables in my LocalSettings.php, but it doesn't help. Any idea s?