I noticed a recent comment by Ammarpad in "Issues after updating wiki to latest version" linking to phab:T263911, which ends with a comment stating that the following is not needed any more:
if( defined( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) {
} else {
$IP = dirname( __FILE__ );
$path = array( $IP, "$IP/includes", "$IP/languages" );
set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, $path ) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );
require_once( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
if ( isset( $_SERVER ) && array_key_exists( 'REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER ) ) {
die( "This script must be run from the command line\n" );
I still have all this (though no known problems arising). Is there an easy way to get a fresh LocalSettings.php for adding my site settings to again? I've not cleaned it out since installing version 1.5 or 1.6...