Topic on Skin talk:Vector/DarkCSS

Not suitable for present Vector version

Varlin (talkcontribs)

Unfortunately Vector has changed and now the look and feel of this custom skin is not really usable (some tabs are still white, lots of texts are still blue, and in lots of cases the contrast is not good enough to read correctly).

Martynov Maxim (talkcontribs)

Try Skin:DarkVector instead.

Varlin (talkcontribs)

Hi, thanks but I was looking for a skin to apply to Wikipedia, not on a personal wiki.

SungHerSong (talkcontribs)

That skin doesn't work with the collapsible vector extension. ~~~~

Martynov Maxim (talkcontribs)

Well, It was never mentioned that such extension is supported. Also this extension has not been maintained for years.

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