Topic on User talk:Johnatan3 (talkcontribs)

Dear Jonathan,

I have a one time personal question about the template you contributed which I translated to Hebrew.

An answer for this question would help me better process it and produce better posts for possible future users.

I understand that when we call that template, the template-call includes two parameter calls;

The first parameter call is content= and the second is name=.

My question

In a case were there are only two parameters, is there any way to spare the user the need to write content=?

I mean; because that in general (if we don't call anything by name) than content= would be the first parameter-call anyway, so could me spare the user from writing it and let it inputting input directly without a preceding content=?

Why I ask this

I ask this because in English and Hebrew Wikipedia it isn't required to suffice content= (or תוכן=) before footnote's inner content.

Side note

I might did a bad job trying to ask it publicly in the following post and you might want to answer there for greater exposure of the data:



Kind regards !

Reply to "Hello Jonathan"