Apparently the extension works when you try to change the author of a given revision - the revision table is effectively updated. However, the history page for the article is left as if nothing was changed. I tried to purge the cache, rebuild all the things I could think of, to no avail... Is there a something I missed ? Thanks !
Topic on Extension talk:ChangeAuthor/Flow
Hello, apparently the issue comes from the new Actor model (see Actor migration). A first fix consists in updating the revision_actor_temp as well (in ChangeAuthor.php l.374):
// Now also change the revision_actor_temp table :
/* SET */[
'revactor_actor' => $users[1]->getActorId()
[ 'revactor_rev' => $id ], // WHERE
Eventually, we also need to update the rev_actor
column of the revision
table, when that column will be there.