Topic on Help talk:TemplateData

Contradictory information on whether to translate

AttemptToCallNil (talkcontribs)

This article has two notices, one saying it's a draft, and the other warning people not to mark it for translation (internally called "DoNotTranslate"). The article is also marked for translation and has a number of translations started (although most don't have that much work done, and none has translated over a third of the messages).

Should translators refrain from translating this article? Should the DoNotTranslate notice be removed? Is there a massive rewrite of the article planned or in progress, and the translation markup with translations are from an obsolete version?

FeRDNYC (talkcontribs)

I'm just trying to understand where the contradictory information comes in. The page has two notices, yes, both of which say that it's a draft. The second notes that, therefore, it should not currently be translated. No contradiction there.

Is the issue that the automatic "Translate this page" message is still being shown, in addition to the notices? I mean, my take from that would be, specifically because that message is automatically shown, the Template:DoNotTranslate message is placed to override (rather than contradict) the automatic translation call-to-action.

But if that's seen as confusing, would it help if Template:DoNotTranslate also included instructions to ignore the existing translation data/message (if any)?

AttemptToCallNil (talkcontribs)

Or, yes, I could check the page's history. I see the notices were added very recently, and apparently, my guess of a rewrite was accurate. However, I should note the wording of the DoNotTranslate notice looks somewhat misleading in this situation.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
AttemptToCallNil (talkcontribs)

I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't feel comfortable just changing a template to support a specific case (a previously marked page with a rewrite in progress that should temporarily not be marked again) because I can't be confident I won't cause unintended bad consequences for other use cases.

FeRDNYC (talkcontribs)

That's really not that specific a use case. When pretty much any already-published page is marked as draft / currently undergoing rewrites, if it has existing translation data (which a lot of them will), it would fall into the same category. This would be a relatively common occurrence, in places where the (relatively-uncommon) Template::DoNotTranslate message is used. If it needs to be clarified, it should be.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

The page looks a draft, so it should not be marked for translation at this time.

By a massive rewrite, many translation units will be invalidated on marking for translation.

AttemptToCallNil (talkcontribs)

Thank you for this clarification. I guess I will refrain from translating this article for now.

Ата (talkcontribs)

@Shirayuki Last edits on the page were in March; do you plan or know if anyone plans to continue writing this page?

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Contradictory information on whether to translate"