Topic on Extension talk:ContributionCredits/Archive 2 (talkcontribs)

Hi there,

we modified the Extension long time ago and added Code, so you can show up not only the realname or the username. We added, that you can see the users signature, so it is possible to customize the links of the contribution credits.

I documented it here in my own wiki... couldn't link it here... spam detection ;-) (Laub-home Wiki Contribution Credits):

# Enables ContributionCredits
require_once( "$IP/extensions/ContributionCredits/ContributionCredits.php" );
$wgContributionCreditsShowUserSignature = true;


        * Contribution Credits extension - Adds contribution credits to the footer
        * @version 2.3 - 2012/05/09
        * @link Documentation
        * @file ContributionCredits.php
        * @ingroup Extensions
        * @package MediaWiki
        * @author Jaime Prilusky
        * @author Al Maghi
        * @author Manuel Wendel
        * @copyright © 2008 Jaime Prilusky
        * @license GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
        * Configuration:
        *       LocalSettings.php => $wgContributionCreditsShowUserSignature = true;
        *                                                       Default: true
        *                                                       true:   shows user specific user signature (if configured and not empty; else just the username)
                                                                false:  shows only the username instead of the user signature

        if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
                echo( "This file is an extension to the MediaWiki software and cannot be used standalone.\n" );
                die( 1 );

        define ('CONTRIBUTIONCREDITS_VERSION','2.3, 2012-05-09');

        $wgHooks['OutputPageBeforeHTML'][] = 'addFooter';

        $wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
                'name' => 'Contribution Credits',
                'version' => CONTRIBUTIONCREDITS_VERSION,
                'author' => array( 'Jaime Prilusky', 'Al Maghi' ),
                'description' => 'Adds contribution credits to the footer',
                'url' => ''

        function addFooter (&$articleTitle, &$text) {
                global $wgTitle,$wgOut,$wgRequest;
                global $wgContributionCreditsHeader;
//      -- DIFFERENCE
                global $wgContributionCreditsShowUserSignature;
                if (is_null($wgContributionCreditsShowUserSignature)) {$wgContributionCreditsShowUserSignature = true;}
//      -------------

                $NS = $wgTitle->getNamespace();
                $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action');

                if (($NS==0 or $NS==1) and ($action != 'edit')) {
                        $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
                        $page_id = $wgTitle->getArticleID(); $list= '';

                        $res = $dbr->select(
//      -- DIFFERENCE
                        //      'revision',
                        //      array('distinct rev_user_text'),
                        //      array("rev_page = $page_id","rev_user >= 1"),
                        //      __METHOD__,
                        //      array('ORDER BY' => 'rev_user_text ASC',));
                        array('revision', 'user', 'user_properties'),
                        array('distinct user.user_id', 'user.user_real_name', 'user.user_name', 'revision.rev_user_text', 'user_properties.up_value AS signature'),
                        array("user.user_name = revision.rev_user_text", "user_properties.up_user = user.user_id", "user_properties.up_property = 'nickname'", "rev_page = $page_id","rev_user >= 1"),
                        array('ORDER BY' => 'user.user_name ASC',));
//      -------------
                                if( $res && $dbr->numRows( $res ) > 0 ) {
                                        while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
                                                $deletedUser = preg_match("/ZDelete/",$row->rev_user_text); # deleted users are renamed as ZDelete####
                                                if (!$deletedUser) {
//      -- DIFFERENCE
                                                //      $list .= "[[User:".$row->rev_user_text."|".$row->rev_user_text."]], ";
                                                        if($row->signature != "" && $wgContributionCreditsShowUserSignature == true ) {
                                                                $list .= "<p>&raquo; " . $row->signature . "</p>";
                                                        } else {
                                                                $list .= "<p>&raquo; [[User:" .  $row->user_name . "|" . $row->user_name . "]]</p>";
//      -------------
                        $dbr->freeResult( $res );
//      -- DIFFERENCE
                //      $list = preg_replace('/\,\s*$/','',$list);
//      -------------
                        $contributorsBlock = '';
                        if (!empty($list)) {
                                if (!$wgContributionCreditsHeader) {$wgContributionCreditsHeader = "==Contributors==\n";}
                                $contributorsBlock = $wgOut->parse("__NOEDITSECTION__\n" . $wgContributionCreditsHeader . $list);
                        $text = $text."\n<div id=\"ContributionCredits\">$contributorsBlock</div>";
                return true;

Would be great to see that code in the official extension.



Reply to "Add ShowUserSignature"