Topic on Manual talk:Bot passwords/Flow

How add a new custom namespace in the list of Special:Bot password ?

Summary by Karima Rafes

To insert a new permission in the form "Special:Bot password", you can add this code in the file extension.json of your extension :

"GrantPermissions": {
 "rightsname": {
    "rightname" : true
Karima Rafes (talkcontribs)

Hello I have a protected custom namespace "Data". I can write in my custom namespace but my bot cannot write in this namespace : {"error":{"code":"protectednamespace","info":"You do not have permission to edit pages in the Data namespace."...

I suppose I have to allow my bot to write in this namespace via the page "Special:Bot password" but I cannot see my namespace in the list.

How can I add a new custom namespace in the list on the page of "Special:Bot password" ? (may be via extension.json ? an example ?)


Karima Rafes (talkcontribs)

I found. I inserted in my extension.json :

"GrantPermissions": {
  "rightsname": {
     "rightname" : true
