Topic on Extension talk:Email Authorization

An example in the documentaiton, please?

أحمد (talkcontribs)

Hallo, @Cindy.cicalese

Can I ask for a more detailed example on how to use this for logging in?

I used Special:EmailAuthorizationConfig to authorise a domain, but entering a user name whose email address is in that domain and clicking "log in with PluggableAuth" doesn't work. I get message with the meaning "provided credentials are not associated with a user in this wiki".

I also tried entering the email address in the username, to the same effect.

Cindy.cicalese (talkcontribs)

That sounds like an error in the configuration of your authentication plugin. I'm guessing you'll get the same error even if you disable EmailAuthorization. But, I will need more information to be sure. Please include version information for MediaWiki and all relevant extensions as well as configuration information. Also, please turn on debug logging as described at Manual:How to debug#Logging and include the relevant portions of the debug log. Look for lines that begin with [PluggableAuth] and [<name of authentication plugin>] (e.g. [SimpleSAMLphp]).

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