Disputed interpretation
In an edit at wikidata:Help:Dates Jarekt changed a statements to read "Wikibase software interprets years 1801-1900 with precision 7 as 19th century" and "Wikibase software interprets years 1001-2000 with precision 6 as second millenium". There is discussion on the associated talk page.
I believe Jarekt is referring to the interactive user interface, but I consider it wrong to refer to that interface as "Wikibase software". I believe the RDF API is just as much a part of Wikibase software as the interactive interface. The RDF data model documentation indicates RDF follows ISO 8601 and XSD 1.1 standard. Both of those indicate precisions by truncating the unneeded information. So, for example, for precision 100 years and a year of 1900, it would be truncated to 19 and understood to include any year from 1900 to and including 1999. Jc3s5h (talk) 22:30, 17 July 2018 (UTC)