Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

Best extension for comments?

Stefahn (talkcontribs)

Due to GDPR I will most likely kill my Facebook comments plugin and also Disqus.

Now, which MediaWiki extension do you recommend for providing blog-like comments?

According to Wikiapiary Extension:Comments is the best choice. Does anyone know, if it will be maintained in the coming years?

Flow/StructuredDiscussions looks much to cumbersome to setup.

Jack Phoenix (talkcontribs)

Extension:Comments, like other social tools, has literally been maintained for over a decade ā€” mostly by a small team of volunteers, including me, since 2008. I don't have a crystal ball so I'm not able to accurately predict the future, but currently there are no plans to stop maintaining Comments and/or any of the other social tools. Furthermore I'm confident that even if I need to step down as the maintainer of the social tools group of extensions, someone else would fill in the void, given the popularity of these tools.

If you encounter any issues, bugs or need help, please don't hesitate to post on the extension's talk page (for general issues) or file a task on Phabricator (for software bugs).

Stefahn (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your helpful reply!

Yes, I found out that Comments does not allow names for anonymous visitors and added an according feature request to Phabricator at