Topic on Talk:Reading/Web/Projects/Related pages/Flow

Request: Relate by Topic-Tag

Johnywhy (talkcontribs)

Eg, i'd like to create a tag, MyTag, and then relate several pages with {{#related:MyTag}}. Is that possible?

I'm guessing it could be done with a common page that they all point to, where the hub page is called "MyTag". Maybe could be a sub-category page.

We want to tag our articles (topic-tags, not revision-tags). And then display "Related Articles", based on those tags.

This article describes a method using SemanticWiki, but that seems a heavy solution, since we don't need any other SemanticWiki features. Would prefer a simpler method.

Can't use Categories, as we're already using Categories as Categories, for organizing and TOC. We consider Categories and Tags to be different concepts. That Folksonomy article agrees. Eg:

  • Category is Fruit.
  • Title is Oranges.
  • Tags are citrus, segmented, juicy, vitamin C, cold prevention, breakfast


  • Category: Books
  • Title: Cien Años de Soledad
  • Tags: Spanish, surrealism, Colombia, magical realism, Latin American

Tags vs. Categories:

  • Non-hierarchical: We use Category as a hierarchical organizing structure. We want articles to appear in only one Category in TOC, but articles can have multiple tags. Tags are non-hierarchical, and can apply across different Categories.
  • Permissions: We want separate permissions for allowing users to add Tags and Categories to an article.
  • Hidden: Tags should be hidden from Extension:CategoryTree. Tags should not be listed in any Special page, Transclude, or MagicWord that lists Categories.
Johnywhy (talkcontribs)

I've built a topic-tagging system, for inline tags, with some nice features like anchors, descriptions, tag-list, and highlighting. Extension:TopicTags

You can view a demo here.

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