Topic on Talk:Gerrit/Tutorial

Can't set up SSH keys

Guycn2 (talkcontribs)

I have installed Git from this link and set my username and email.

When I type ls ~/.ssh in the command line, I get the following message:

'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

What have I done wrong?

KTC (talkcontribs)

Use the Git Bash shell, not Windows Command Prompt.

Guycn2 (talkcontribs)

Thank you @KTC, I succeeded, but now I encounter another problem: I can't install git-review. When I run Git Bash as administrator and run the following command: pip install git-review, I get an error message saying:

bash: pip: command not found

I ran this command after I had installed Python 3.6, but it still doesn't work...

KTC (talkcontribs)

Try "python -m pip ..." or "python3.6 -m pip ...".

Guycn2 (talkcontribs)

@KTC, I still get this error: "bash: python: command not found".

Is it possible to submit Gerrit patches without installing git-review?

KTC (talkcontribs)

If you can't even run python despite having it installed, then something's not set up right in your environment.

Guycn2 (talkcontribs)

My Python is installed in the following directory: C:/Users/Guy/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36-32

Maybe it has something to do with it?

Reply to "Can't set up SSH keys"