Hi there, I've got the moderation extension and the auth_remote user extension set up on my dev wiki. Wiki version 1.30, moderation version 1.1.18, auth remote user version 2.0.0. It's a whole mess of snakes in here, man. Visual editor doesn't work because parsoid doesn't like remote authorizations yet and so I'm using mediawiki's wikieditor toolbar which pops up the same dialog as visualeditor when you want to upload an image. I've hacked and chopped at the uploadstash.php script and I've finally gotten it to accept an upload, but it still doesn't recognize my user session. The file goes to moderation as if I was anon, instead of getting approved. Problem is, the dialog says 'Something went wrong' and goes on to say that the file has been submitted for moderation in the same style that it would if it had thrown an exception. The dialog thinks that the upload has failed and so doesn't dismiss like it would if the file has gone through without a hitch, fails to insert the proper img tag, and finally I have to cancel out of it to get back to editor.
uploadstash is busted. $this->user->isLoggedIn() chokes my script and I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: this.slice is not a function
at uploadChunk (<anonymous>:247:78)
at retry (<anonymous>:247:902)