Topic on Talk:Structured Discussions/Flow

Suggestion: mergeing topics

Summary by Trizek (WMF)
FF-11 (talkcontribs)

I saw that (because much flow boards are "overflooded") sometimes posts are created duplicately. Why don't add a option to merge them? But the biggest matter is... How should that work?

Idea Problem
merge every replys sorted by timestamp in the same 'list' The comments have got another "directions" and so they will be "shaked" together
Use two collapsed lists Many pepole (me, too) won't read the collapsed lists
Use two uncollased lists one word: confusing
Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

For now, the best way to do this is to close one of the topics as a duplicate of the other, with a direct link in the summary field.

I think T92907: Moving Flow Posts between Topics tracks this, more or less.

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