Topic on User talk:SSastry (WMF)/Flow
This page would have been listed in the ru:Special:LintErrors/multiple-unclosed-formatting-tags category. It won't show up any longer now that someone has fixed it.
A little bit of something else. Is this normal when wrapping spreads even outside the parent block? The tag wrapping starts inside the ul, but does not end when the ul tag is closed. Continues to wrap everything up to the end of the page. Previously with Remex, it was not like this.
In the example, it affects the text "after"
before *a *<small>b *c *d *e after
Also, the unclosed tag S in the middle of the discussion page in the old parser maybe not line-through all other topics and text to the end of the page. Probably it should at least ever stop line-through or it is normal now?
Yes, this behavior is part of the HTML5 parsing spec. But, note that even Tidy did the same thing -- see below.
<ul> <li>a</li> <li><small>b</small></li> <li><small>c</small></li> </ul> <p><small>after</small></p>
If you replace the <small> tag with <s> tag, the same thing happens. What is different is when there are multiple such unclosed tags. In Tidy, the effects are limited or it assumes the second unclosed tag was a closing tag. With Remex (like any HTML5 parser), the effects accumulate.