Topic on Project:Support desk

Limit login access to domain computers only

PSIDWiki (talkcontribs)

I've been tasked with find a way to limit any login to users working on PC in our domain. I'm using active directory and I have that working. We do not want users to be able to login from their home computers and edit any of the wikis. I'm not sure if this is possible. Please let me know if there is more detail needed.

MediaWiki 1.26.3

PHP       5.6.31 (cgi-fcgi)

MySQL     5.5.57

Reception123 (talkcontribs)

So you would like to only have people edit from a specific IP (range)?

PSIDWiki (talkcontribs)

Sorry for my delayed response. This has been changed. We are not using Active Directory anymore. We are creating accounts for editing users. Thank you