Topic on Project:Support desk

Wikibase install queries

Vanished user adhmfdfmykrdyr (talkcontribs)

I know how to use the Wikidata SPARQL Query well enough.  The issue is the install that comes with the Wikibase package is very much tied into Wikidata, and seems impossible to separate.  Is there a way to easily configure the Sparql query engine to allow for defaulting on the local wikibase install? Or are there easy to understand configuration directions to do a query using a wikibase install on a non-wikimedia wiki?

Where say a query like:


SELECT ?item ?itemLabel



?item wdt:P31 wd:Q146 .

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }


could be run on ""?


:: As a follow up,  problem with Sparql query engine on independent Wikibase install is that in trying to run eslewhere for not wikidata is it runs into problems converting to RDF. Wikidata query service/User Manual#Standalone service does does not address this particular issue of how to de-wikidata it. And can't use other sparql engines to try to do the Wikibase data handling aspect. --~~~~
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