Topic on Extension talk:Recent Changes Cleanup/Flow (talkcontribs)

While the suggested change in RecentChangesCleanup_body.php (see below for 1.27.1) seemed to help, it is still broken with the following error message in Apache error log:

Call to undefined method SkinVector::link() in /[path]/extensions/RecentChangesCleanup/RecentChangesCleanup_body.php on line 96 (talkcontribs)

In the source this comes from here:

if ($rc_bot == 0) {

            $wgOut->addHtml('<center>' . $skin->link($this->getTitle(), wfMessage('rc-cleanup-hide')->text(), array(), array(
                'action' => 'markasbot',
                'id' => $rc_id
)) . '</center>');
          } else {
$wgOut->addHtml('<center><b><nowiki/>' . $skin->link($this->getTitle(), wfMessage('rc-cleanup-show')->text() , array(), array(
                'action' => 'markasnotbot',
                'id' => $rc_id
)) . '<nowiki/></b></center>');

Would also look forward to this being fixed. ^^

Reply to "Broken in 1.28.0"