Qgil-WMF et al,
As I believe you're aware, we've been running a poll of our readers since January 17. Thus far we have pretty strong response; while we plan to keep the poll open for another few days, I doubt the results will change significantly. Some of the information will be especially useful to us in determining our engagement with the Newsletter extension, so I thought I'd share some early results here.
- 6% of respondents feel that subscription information should be kept private.
- 56% prefer to receive the Signpost, with links to individual stories, on their talk page.
- 39% first learned about the Signpost by seeing it on another user's talk page.
These results suggest to me that we should be cautious about changes, especially ones that either remove existing options or strongly change the dynamics of how people learn about them.
We'll publish a more thorough breakdown in the next edition, but I wanted to give a heads-up about our thinking here in the meantime. -Pete Forsyth (talk) 19:23, 25 January 2017 (UTC)