Topic on User talk:Josve05a/Flow

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thank you very much for your list of issues. I really appreciate it. I changed it to numbers for the first comment, so that it would be easier for me to track which ones Ed was talking about. If you don't like it, then please feel free to revert the change.

Josve05a (talkcontribs)

That's totally fine. :) I should have created different posts about each issue, or created Phab tickets, but since I haven't stalked Phab or the feedback page, I don't know which issues had already been adressed, so I just listed them.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Putting it all in one place made it very easy to point the devs at yours as an example (and exemplary  :-) list this morning. In general, Phab tasks are very welcome. There are about 60 open tasks in the project at the moment, so it's still a short enough list that I feel like I can read them all when I'm trying to find out whether something's already been filed.

Josve05a (talkcontribs)

I'll sign up as a watcher on that board, so I can see when new tasks are filed and which haven't yet, so in the future I can file quick tickets instead of revinging old lists. :)

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