The guideline "Foundation Product teams should, as early as possible in the project timeline, share information about projects with the community" perpetuates the old one-way view of engagement with the Community. I suggest that this should read something like
- Formal project proposals made by Foundation Product teams should be accompanied by a description of the case for development. This should, and in the case of project that signficantly add to or change community workflows, must include a clear demonstration of community engagement and disussion of potential benefits and costs for the community.
- Project proposals must be ina friednly tone, use constructive arguments, data, actionable alternatives (one of which must always be do nothing') with a clear analysis.
- Demonstration of community engagement must include evidence of consensus when claiming to represent the view of a community or a large section thereof.
- Prior discussions and agreements within the community need to be taken into account. There must be good reasons to reopen a settled topic.
Of course some of these bullet points are reminisicent of the requirements for community blockers. And why would they not be?