Topic on Extension talk:MixedNamespaceSearchSuggestions/Flow

Did not work for us in 1.27

Miken32 (talkcontribs)

It seems to be down to the TitleKey extension, which purposely strips off the namespaces. Hacking that extension fixed things for us.

Also we had to add a CSS rule to get the namespace lining up with the article title:

div.suggestions-result {
    white-space: inherit;
Jkmartindale (talkcontribs)

How'd you patch TitleKey? I'm interested as well.

Miken32 (talkcontribs)

Basically just comment out the stuff that purposely breaks namespaces:

diff --git a/TitleKey_body.php b/TitleKey_body.php
index 63cf769..b0b7b87 100644
--- a/TitleKey_body.php
+++ b/TitleKey_body.php
@@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ class TitleKey {
        static function prefixSearch( $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset ) {
-               $ns = array_shift( $namespaces ); // support only one namespace
-               if( in_array( NS_MAIN, $namespaces ) )
-                       $ns = NS_MAIN; // if searching on many always default to main 
+#              $ns = array_shift( $namespaces ); // support only one namespace
+#              if( in_array( NS_MAIN, $namespaces ) )
+#                      $ns = NS_MAIN; // if searching on many always default to main 
+               $ns = $namespaces;
                $key = self::normalize( $search );
                $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
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