Topic on Talk:Universal Language Selector/Compact Language Links/Archive 1

Summary by Amire80

I already wrote similar things in several places, but I'll not this is here as well for the topic resolution.

The concern about the reduction in the number of clicks on links to any language, and Esperanto in particular, is valid. It's very important for me to note this, given that the whole point of the feature is to make all languages more accessible. That's why I track this number regularly for all wikis and languages, and if the number would decrease I'd seriously consider changing it to prevent the decrease or disabling it. However, the actual data shows that the number of clicks on links to Esperanto has actually grown by more than 100%, so the Esperanto Wikipedia actually benefits from this feature.

Lingveno (talkcontribs)

Hi all. I am really obsessed with making that default. My home wiki is Esperanto Wikipedia, and, as you know, Esperanto is a constructed auxiliary language with 2.000.000 speakers. It is spoken nearly everywhere, so it does not have its proper region. So it is not going to appear at glance, while editing Wikipedia, except small country of San Marino, thanks for this tool. If this tool actually going to be made as a default, almost nobody will be able to see Esperanto in the compact language list, only regional languages. Thank you very much.

People, who actually speak Esperanto, now by browsing articles in other language versions of Wikipedia, can found out about Esperanto exactly by a language selector. Soon, thanks for this tool, the flow of new editors will significantly decrease.

Thank you for discriminating small languages.

Marek Mazurkiewicz (talkcontribs)

Jes, vi pravas.

DidiWeidmann (talkcontribs)

Mi povas nur emfazi, ke tio estas grava atako kontraŭ malgrandaj lingvoj kaj precipe diskriminacio kontraŭ Esperanto kaj aliaj etaj lingvoj! Temas pri politika decido malakceptebla.

AndyHM (talkcontribs)

La malapero de malgrandaj lingvoj ankaŭ malfortigos ilin! Multaj parolantoj de minoritataj lingvoj ja eĉ ne serĉas sialingve artikolon ĉe vikipedio sed rekte iras al la lingvo reganta. Ekzemple, se mi estas jukuto, kutime mi serĉus artikolon ruse ĉar prestiĝa kaj pli forta lingvo sed vidinte ĝin en la listo de lingvoj, mi ja serĉus en mia denaska lingvo almenaŭ por kontroli. Oni imagu se la etaj lingvoj simple forestus el la listo de lingvoj, oni simple ne plu serĉus en ili kaj la vikipediaj projektoj falus kaj eĉ formortus!

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)