I think that the "200+ languages" text on the big button is just Wikipedia showing off. It does not serve much purpose to a normal reader to know that there is content in 196-199+ languages that they cannot understand.
I propose the message is changed to something actually useful to the user, a call to action like you see in places that actually care about making visitors do something (Register! Get a free trial! Donate now! etc) - and in Wikipedia's case this should be "Read in your language".
I am sure that "Read in your language" call to action (or similar) would prompt more users to discover Wiki content in their language than a passive statement like "200+ languages" (which is also not really true, if you think of it, it is just a marketing message that is well received by journalists.., because a huge part of those small language Wikipedias are not developed enough to actually be useful).
It is also very easy to A/B test this proposal.