Topic on Project:Support desk

Page built using the Transclusion syntax is not refreshed

Mellispecial (talkcontribs)

I'm using mediawiki version 1.26.3 (PHP 5.3.17 (apache2handler) and MySQL 5.5.31-log) as knowledge repository with standard configuration

Some pages of my wiki are builded dynamically merging the contents of others pages using the Transclusion syntax


(inclusion of the content of a document into another document by reference)

Follow a piece of the pages inclusions code


{{:Client_ Wrk}}



In this manner I've the contents from some source pages that are merged in a result page showed to the user

But, if I do some change in one of the source page, the result page contents are not properly updated until I open in edit mode the result page, do a insignificant change (eg. adding a blank space somewhere) and save the result page.

As brower I'm using Firefox and to avoid the browser cache involvement I've do many times CTRL + F5

I've also tested this type of page in a previous installation of our wiki based on the mediawiki version 1.19.8, PHP 5.3.17 (apache2handler) and MySQL 5.5.31-log and this behaviour do not happens

Someone can help me ?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

This has probably to do with the Job queue. See that page for troubleshooting information.

Mellispecial (talkcontribs)

Thanks. We have solved putting the call of runJobs.php script every 10' by the cron (... we have not found the variable $wgJobRunRate in our LocalSettings.php file) (talkcontribs)

You can add $wgJobRunRate to your LocalSettings.php file and set it to the value you want. However it is true that there have been problems with the job queue, so maybe even if you put some value there, it maybe still does not run the jobs. Using a cro job is a good idea.

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