Notice: Uncommitted DB writes (transaction from DatabaseBase::query (LCStoreDB::get)). in /web/htdocs/ on line 4262
Any idea how to solve this issue?
I am using "rev_timestamp" sorting criterion
Notice: Uncommitted DB writes (transaction from DatabaseBase::query (LCStoreDB::get)). in /web/htdocs/ on line 4262
Any idea how to solve this issue?
I am using "rev_timestamp" sorting criterion
for me the solution was to close the connection with DB after the query:
open sitemap.php
search for:
function writeSitemap( $offset, $limit, $serverBase, $totalCount ) {
$queryOptions = $this->getQueryOptions( true );
$criterion = $this->getSortingCriterion();
$dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$res = $dbr->select( array( 'page', 'revision' ),
"'Popularpages' AS type",
'page_id AS id',
'page_namespace AS namespace',
'page_title AS title',
'( MAX( rev_timestamp ) ) AS last_modification',
'( MIN( rev_timestamp ) ) AS creation_timestamp',
'( COUNT(rev_timestamp) ) AS revision_count',
"$criterion AS value"
'GROUP BY' =>'page_id',
'ORDER BY' => $this->getOrder(),
'LIMIT' => $limit,
'OFFSET' => $offset
add after:
$dbr->commit(); //This is to close the connection with the DB after the query
it should be done for every query, 3 at all in my case