Topic on Project:Support desk

PHP update and empty pages

6 (talkcontribs)

Hi there,

I've updated my server to the latest php and mysql versions, all my websites and scripts works well except MediaWiki which shows none of articles regularly (editor shows them properly, then they are there in DB). I read about the problem across the net, and it seems that the only solution is upgrading. The thing is my MediaWiki is widely customized (even plugins and theme), then the upgrade is a useless solution. Is there any other solution (like changing a line, adding a code, replacing a file) to solve the issue of empty pages? (talkcontribs)

That is an issue with old MediaWiki versions and current versions of the PHP PCRE extension. Maybe you could somehow patch the MediaWiki core, but that is not what I would recommend. Instead, you should actually really do a MediaWiki upgrade. (talkcontribs)

Thanks for reply, I'd prefer to change the script to prevent happening such things in future. (talkcontribs)

task T60640 has the according core patch, which solves the issue. (talkcontribs)

Thanks a lot, the page you've mentioned contains many revision of the file /includes/MagicWord.php, but after testing the latest revisions, one works properly and save me of a huge work and time. The file is ready to download as file 122450, it should be replaced (info for others having the same problem). Special thanks to: timo.gurr, matmarex, Aklapper and bzimport. (talkcontribs)

> Special thanks to: timo.gurr, matmarex, Aklapper and bzimport

He is one of our best! ;-)

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