Topic on Extension talk:Spoilers/Flow

Spoiler-Button instantly disappears (although it is shown for a spöit second)

18 (talkcontribs)

I tried the extension on mediawiki 1.19 and really liked it. But after upgrading to 1.24.1 it does not work anymore. I know, that somebody already hast told you about this. But I wanted to give some more information - since i would really appreciate, if we could use it furthermore with mediawiki 1.24.1. As mentionend in the titel, the spoiler button can be seen for a split second when loading the page, but it disappears instantly. Another aspect I recognized is that on the special:version site, your extension is only mentioned in "extensions \ special pages", but not in "extensions \ parserhooks". Is that correct or does it probably give some hint about the problem - keeping in mind, that the <spoiler>-tag is in fact mentioned under "parser extension tags"?

ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)

I had not heard about the instant disappearing. I'll take a look at it and update the extension. Thanks!

Bluekuma (talkcontribs)

Same problem here, mediawiki version 1.24.2. Here's how my html tree looks like using <spoiler show="show_message" hide="hide_message">spoiler_text</spoiler>. Setting .spoilers-button { display:inline; } by hand the button is visible but nothing happens clicking on it.

<div class="spoilers">
  <div class="spoilers-button-container">
      <span class="spoilers-button" style="display: none;">
        <span class="spoilers-show">show_message</span>
        <span class="spoilers-hide" style="display: none;">hide_message</span>
   <div class="spoilers-body" style="display: none;">spoiler_text</div>
Asherett (talkcontribs)

Got the exact same problem. You can actually see the button "shrink" and then disappear in a split second. Any chance you can make this extension work again for 1.24.x?

Kumagor0 (talkcontribs)

I think I have same problem with MediaWiki 1.24.2. There is something like a spoiler for a moment but then it disappears.

Using it like this <spoiler>spoiler_text</spoiler> also causes these errors:
Notice: Undefined index: show in /var/www/html/extensions/Spoilers/Spoilers.hooks.php on line 42
Notice: Undefined index: hide in /var/www/html/extensions/Spoilers/Spoilers.hooks.php on line 43
while using <spoiler show="show_message" hide="hide_message">spoiler_text</spoiler> just shows nothing.

Please update extension OR release status, because it is probably not stable with modern versions.

ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)

Extension has been updated and fixed for modern versions!

Kumagor0 (talkcontribs)

Still not working for me with MW 1.24.2.

<spoiler show="show_message" hide="hide_message">spoiler_text</spoiler> looks like show_message text, not a spoiler.

ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)

Also, ran it against 1.24.2+, 1.25.2 as well. Everything looks good. If you don't mind putting sending over some screenshots, I may be able to help you further.

ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)

Show Message is the button name for when a person click on it. Spoiler_text is the actual spoiler piece.

ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)
ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)

I'm updating the extension this week and plan a release by Friday at the latest!

Greylin (talkcontribs)

I have just updated to MediaWiki 1.26 and at first I thought everything was OK with Spoilers 1.3 because it works when the page first loads, but when I refresh the page the button disappears and all I can see is the name of the button - no actual button and no ability to see the hidden text. So once again I have restored Spoilers 1.0 and MediaWiki 1.23.6 because my project really needs spoiler buttons!

ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)

Hey Greylin! I'll take a look at it versus 1.26. Thanks for the information.

ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)

1.4 has been released to work with 1.26.

Greylin (talkcontribs)

Thank you, thank you! It's working perfectly.  :)

ProgramCeltic (talkcontribs)

Awesome! Thanks, for the update. (talkcontribs)

same here. lame code skills

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