Topic on Extension talk:DynamicSidebar/archive 2


MichaelZ70 (talkcontribs)

I have a Category named: EDV-Projekte and I have a Sidebar defined: MediaWiki:Sidebar/Category:EDV-Projekte. The Sidebar looks like this:

* EDV-Projekte
** RZIntern:Übersicht EDV-Projekte|Übersicht EDV-Projekte
** RZIntern:EDV-Projekte - Fällige Aufgaben|Fällige Aufgaben
** Form:EDV-Projekte|EDV-Projekte anlegen und verwalten

The Cartegoy-Sidebar are enabled in Localsettings.php but the side bar is not display. A GROUP-SIDEBAR is working. In the Mediawiki:Sidebar I have both entries:


Why is the sidebar for the category not working?

MichaelZ70 (talkcontribs)

I found out what the problem is / was. I thought that the category of the actual page is relevant to display the sidebar but is is the category of the user page.

Is it possible to display a side depending on the category of the actual page? This would be greatǃ (talkcontribs)

Hallo MichaelZ70,

Arbeitest du noch mit der DynamicSidebar? Kannst Du mir ev. weiterhelfen? Ich möchte die Group-Sidebar verwenden, doch es läuft bei mir nicht. Kannst Du mir erläutern, wie du es zu laufen gebracht hast?

Vielen Dank. Grüsse Ro.Ga (talkcontribs)

Is this topic up to date? Even though I did the same in the same way, the category did not come. but user links are coming.

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