Topic on Extension talk:Pdf Export/archive 4

Htmldoc - permissions incorrectly set

2 (talkcontribs)

Using MW 1.24.1 with htmldoc it seems that the 'permissions' option is incorrectly set in the converter.

The code initially sets the permissions option to null, It then adds the permissions prefixing them with '--permissions' (e.g. '--permissions no-modify'). However, when it comes to execute the htmldoc process it uses "'--permissions '.$permissions". this produces a command-line containing (for example) '--permissions --permissions no-modify').

In our case we didn't set any permissions, but did set the paper size (which follows permissions) to A4. This failed and always produced a Letter sized PDF. Dumping the command-line out showed that the permissions option was still being used - e.g. '--permissions --size A4'. I assume that htmldoc barfed on this and ignored the A4 size option. So a default needed to be set.

I used the following patch to correct the problems:

--- HtmlDocPdfConverter.php.orig        2014-12-01 23:15:27.000000000 +0000
+++ HtmlDocPdfConverter.php     2015-03-03 14:21:21.455341787 +0000
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
                                $perms[] = 'no-annotate';
                        if( count( $perms ) == 0 ) {
-                               $options['permissions'] .= '--permissions all --encryption';
+                               $options['permissions'] = 'all --encryption';
                        } else {
-                               $options['permissions'] .= '--permissions ' . implode( ',', $perms ) . ' --encryption';
+                               $options['permissions'] = implode( ',', $perms ) . ' --encryption';

                       if( $options['owner_pass'] !=  ) {
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
                       if( $options['user_pass'] !=  ) {
                               $options['permissions'] .= ' --user-password ' . $options['user_pass'];
+               } else {
+                       $options['permissions'] = 'all';
       } (talkcontribs)

This has since been correcetd by initialising the said variable before the start of the if construct:

$options['permissions'] = '';

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