Topic on Extension talk:Survey/Flow

Survey content not loading

S schiffleithner (talkcontribs)

May be, this is the same problem as Extension_talk:Survey#Stuck_Loading_Survey..._After_1.24.0_Update_52886 from Jan. 14 2015:

Fresh install on existing 1.24.1 MediaWiki, installation and update.php seemed to work fine: No error messages, tables created and available. Setting up new surveys seems to work fine, however when trying to take a survey it doesn't show up: "Take a survey" displays edit-options and one line: "Loading survey..." The survey itself doesn't show up.

tested branches:

  • REL1_23 d6ce533
  • REL1_24 c12985a
  • master 8dcdeac

MediaWiki installation:

  • MediaWiki 1.24.1
  • PHP 5.5.10 (cgi-fcgi)
  • MySQL 5.5.40

Any ideas where to dig in?

Vitruvian95 (talkcontribs)

The same here. I installed from git on Mediawiki 1.24.1, PHP 5.4.37, MySQL 5.5.42, and see the survey title but can't add or see questions. Just get the "Loading survey..." message.

Help appreciated.

This post was posted by Vitruvian95, but signed as Felipe95a. (talkcontribs)

Does anyone know if the author of this software is still working on it? I would love to implement this, but it looks like it hasn't been updated since 2011 and it clearly has errors.

Toniher (talkcontribs)

I would dare to say that this might be an incompatibility with Javascript. When using Vector theme in 1.23.x it worked for me, but not with other skins...

Daniel Robbins (talkcontribs)
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