Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

[RESOLVED] page loading slow speed

Summary by Ciencia Al Poder

When database is MySQL on localhost, be sure to set $wgDBServer to instead of "localhost" (on windows)

A1s2d3f4 (talkcontribs)


1. MediaWiki 1.23.5

PHP 5.4.26 (apache2handler)

MySQL 5.5.36

2. Can't provide URL as it is a local install on my windows 8.1 machine (using Bitnami)

I upgraded from 22.6 to 23.5 yesterday and now my wiki loads much slower (again, this is a local install on my c: drive - internet is not (supposed to be) involved)

How can I profile what's going on and where the slowdown occurs? I've learned how to add a log file to LocalSettings.php and now I get output like this:

Start request GET /mediawiki/index.php/my page name
REFERER: http://<my computer name here>:1070/mediawiki/index.php?search=<my page name>&title=Special%3ASearch&fulltext=Search
USER-AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0E; .NET4.0C; Tablet PC 2.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)
ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip, deflate
HOST: <my computer name here>:1070
DNT: 1
COOKIE: my_wikiUserID=1; my_wikiUserName=<my name>; my_wikiToken=<deleting just in case>; mediawiki_bitnamiUserID=1; mediawiki_bitnamiUserName=<my name>; mediawiki_bitnamiToken=<deleting just in case>;
[caches] main: EmptyBagOStuff, message: SqlBagOStuff, parser: SqlBagOStuff
[caches] LocalisationCache: using store LCStoreDB
Unstubbing $wgParser on call of $wgParser::setHook from registerFileProtocolLinksSMB
Parser: using preprocessor: Preprocessor_DOM
Fully initialised
Connected to database 0 at localhost
Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to [[<my page name>]] are {edit,move}
[ContentHandler] Created handler for wikitext: WikitextContentHandler
User: cache miss for user 1
User: loading options for user 1 from database.
User: logged in from session
User: loading options for user 1 from override cache.
Connected to database 0 at localhost
MessageCache::load: Loading en... got from global cache
Unstubbing $wgLang on call of $wgLang::_unstub from ParserOptions::__construct
OutputPage::checkLastModified: CACHE DISABLED
Article::view using parser cache: no
Article::view: doing uncached parse
Parser cache options found.
Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to [[<my page name>]] are {edit,move}
Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to [[<my page name>]] are {edit,move}
Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to [[<my page name>]] are {edit,move}
DatabaseBase::query: Writes done: REPLACE INTO `msg_resource` (mr_resource,mr_lang,mr_blob,mr_timestamp) VALUES ('user.options','en','{}','20141003142034')
OutputPage::sendCacheControl: private caching;  **
LoadBalancer::reuseConnection: this connection was not opened as a foreign connection
Request ended normally

I have tried disabling extensions. I have tried loading different pages. Everything is loading slowly for whatever reason.

The above log doesn't tell me anything. Maybe there is a way to time stamp every line on the log, so that I can see where the slowdown occurs?


p.s. I am not a mediawiki genius, more of a user, so assume I know nothing about "behind the scenes" workings of my "stack". I know where LocalSettings.php is and some other "important files".

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
A1s2d3f4 (talkcontribs)

I have tried following directions on Manual:Profiling page.

I created StartProfiler.php with $wgProfiler['class'] = 'Profiler'; line.

I pasted

// Only record profiling info for pages that took longer than this
$wgProfileLimit = 0.0;
// Don't put non-profiling info into log file
$wgProfileOnly = true;
// Log sums from profiling into "profiling" table in db
$wgProfileToDatabase = false;
// If true, print a raw call tree instead of per-function report
$wgProfileCallTree = false;
// Should application server host be put into profiling table
$wgProfilePerHost = false;
// Settings for UDP profiler
$wgUDPProfilerHost = '';
$wgUDPProfilerPort = '1070';
// Detects non-matching wfProfileIn/wfProfileOut calls
$wgDebugProfiling = false;
// Output debug message on every wfProfileIn/wfProfileOut
$wgDebugFunctionEntry = 0;
// Lots of debugging output from SquidUpdate.php
$wgDebugSquid = false;

at the bottom of LocalSettings.php.

what I am getting in the debug file is still the same as what I had in my OP.

What am I doing wrong?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Strange, I've tried the same configuration as yours and the debug log generates an additional table with an aggregate time of the time spent on each part.

Be sure you named it StartProfiler.php and that it's placed in the MediaWiki root directory (the same as LocalSettings.php) (talkcontribs)

I was an idiot, in my StartProfiler the $wgProfiler['class'] = 'Profiler'; line was inside /* */ comment block!

So, here is the table, below. I am utterly confused by it, because "the percentages don't add up". (e.g. MediaWiki::main = 90.795%, then LoadBalancer::getConnection is 68%; 90+68 > 100... but clearly this table works differently). Seems like there are "too many calls" to a couple of items. I wish I knew what it all meant.

(All I did was click on the link to the Main page - it took a long time, as usual, maybe around 7-8 seconds to get there.)

Name                                                                         Calls         Total          Each             %       Mem
-total                                                                           1      3075.039      3075.039       100.000%  12618823  (     3075.039 -     3075.039) [2181]
MediaWiki::main                                                                  1      2791.980      2791.980        90.795%   7623413  (     2791.980 -     2791.980) [2133]
LoadBalancer::getConnection                                                    123      2116.834        17.210        68.839%    308199  (        0.004 -     1102.039) [127]
LoadBalancer::openConnection                                                   123      2115.470        17.199        68.795%    303705  (       -0.001 -     1102.015) [4]
DatabaseMysqlBase::open                                                          2      2097.257      1048.628        68.203%      2720  (     1012.983 -     1084.274) [2]
dbconnect-localhost                                                              2      2076.422      1038.211        67.525%      2416  (     1009.225 -     1067.197) [0]
DatabaseBase::query                                                            136       233.901         1.720         7.606%    133787  (        0.230 -       43.661) [136]
OutputPage::output                                                               1       218.776       218.776         7.115%   1903731  (      218.776 -      218.776) [1385]
MediaWiki::performRequest                                                        1       214.171       214.171         6.965%   3498009  (      214.171 -      214.171) [683]
Output-skin                                                                      1       212.175       212.175         6.900%   1874313  (      212.175 -      212.175) [1380]
SkinTemplate::outputPage                                                         1       212.098       212.098         6.897%   1918640  (      212.098 -      212.098) [1379]
MediaWiki::performAction                                                         1       187.030       187.030         6.082%   2887519  (      187.030 -      187.030) [655]
Article::view                                                                    1       186.950       186.950         6.080%   2888598  (      186.950 -      186.950) [653]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate                                               1       159.695       159.695         5.193%   1866804  (      159.695 -      159.695) [711]
Setup.php                                                                        1       157.826       157.826         5.132%   3765661  (      157.826 -      157.826) [15]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff5                                        1       111.512       111.512         3.626%   1183149  (      111.512 -      111.512) [543]
query: SELECT lc_value FROM `lNn_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'X' LIMIT N            103       102.063         0.991         3.319%    112768  (        0.232 -       17.007) [0]
MessageCache::get                                                              227        92.622         0.408         3.012%    122359  (        0.020 -        5.770) [889]
Setup.php-globals                                                                1        81.238        81.238         2.642%   2399952  (       81.238 -       81.238) [2]
LocalisationCache::getSubitem-load                                              87        81.044         0.932         2.636%    106715  (        0.379 -        5.724) [348]
Parser::parse                                                                    1        71.071        71.071         2.311%    663663  (       71.071 -       71.071) [379]
Parser::parse-WikitextContent::getParserOutput                                   1        71.071        71.071         2.311%    663678  (       71.071 -       71.071) [378]
User::load                                                                       2        65.270        32.635         2.123%    235899  (        3.292 -       61.978) [30]
LocalisationCache::getItem-load                                                 14        62.157         4.440         2.021%    113562  (        0.640 -       49.182) [69]
SkinTemplate::outputPage-execute                                                 1        48.840        48.840         1.588%     26904  (       48.840 -       48.840) [658]
Parser::transformMsg                                                            10        47.319         4.732         1.539%    508919  (        0.443 -       34.508) [233]
Parser::preprocess                                                              10        47.280         4.728         1.538%    509100  (        0.440 -       34.503) [223]
-overhead-total                                                               2182        44.620         0.020         1.451%   1500392  (       44.620 -       44.620) [2182]
query: SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_restrictions,page_coun      1        43.641        43.641         1.419%      1192  (       43.641 -       43.641) [0]
Parser::internalParse                                                            1        43.513        43.513         1.415%    609284  (       43.513 -       43.513) [119]
Parser::replaceVariables                                                        11        39.927         3.630         1.298%    307903  (        0.345 -       25.164) [169]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff4                                        1        37.771        37.771         1.228%    669832  (       37.771 -       37.771) [106]
Linker::titleAttrib                                                             32        36.673         1.146         1.193%     43795  (        0.058 -        5.119) [518]
-setup                                                                           1        36.419        36.419         1.184%         0  (       36.419 -       36.419) [0]
WebStart.php-conf                                                                1        34.814        34.814         1.132%    471920  (       34.814 -       34.814) [0]
ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse                                               2        34.083        17.042         1.108%    748198  (        4.711 -       29.372) [17]
MediaWiki::triggerJobs                                                           1        30.961        30.961         1.007%    272588  (       30.961 -       30.961) [13]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2                                                    1        30.277        30.277         0.985%    591063  (       30.277 -       30.277) [41]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-always_known                                       1        26.500        26.500         0.862%    575114  (       26.500 -       26.500) [29]
MediaWiki::initializeArticle                                                     1        24.098        24.098         0.784%    578230  (       24.098 -       24.098) [16]
Setup.php-includes                                                               1        23.028        23.028         0.749%    366496  (       23.028 -       23.028) [0]
Setup.php-extensions                                                             1        22.540        22.540         0.733%    697200  (       22.540 -       22.540) [2]
Setup.php-extensions-registerFileProtocolLinksSMB                                1        22.520        22.520         0.732%    696840  (       22.520 -       22.520) [1]
StubObject::_unstub-wgParser                                                     1        22.467        22.467         0.731%    697336  (       22.467 -       22.467) [0]
ParserOutput::getText                                                            1        21.068        21.068         0.685%    604117  (       21.068 -       21.068) [35]
ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse-user.tokens                                   1        20.665        20.665         0.672%    689208  (       20.665 -       20.665) [0]
RequestContext::getSkin-createskin                                               1        19.961        19.961         0.649%    600408  (       19.961 -       19.961) [2]
query: SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'X'      10        19.579         1.958         0.637%     11032  (        0.285 -       10.201) [0]
Parser::firstCallInit                                                            1        18.712        18.712         0.608%    427132  (       18.712 -       18.712) [76]
-overhead-internal                                                            2182        18.489         0.008         0.601%    488776  (        0.006 -        0.050) [0]
PPFrame_DOM::expand                                                             34        17.304         0.509         0.563%    126103  (        0.012 -        6.613) [126]
Preprocessor_DOM::preprocessToObj                                               12        15.565         1.297         0.506%     13753  (        0.118 -       10.480) [24]
query: SELECT rev_id,rev_page,rev_text_id,rev_timestamp,rev_comment,rev_use      1        15.076        15.076         0.490%      1256  (       15.076 -       15.076) [0]
query: DELETE FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'X'                             3        13.679         4.560         0.445%       672  (        1.822 -        6.373) [0]
Preprocessor_DOM::preprocessToObj-loadXML                                       12        12.247         1.021         0.398%      7696  (        0.035 -        9.509) [0]
Linker::accesskey                                                               30        11.765         0.392         0.383%     27316  (        0.038 -        1.171) [161]
Linker::link                                                                     6        11.576         1.929         0.376%    184197  (        0.128 -       10.265) [57]
SkinTemplate::buildContentNavigationUrls                                         1        11.450        11.450         0.372%     83557  (       11.450 -       11.450) [121]
Parser::clearState                                                              11        10.308         0.937         0.335%    217568  (        0.076 -        9.302) [22]
MagicWord::load                                                                129         9.630         0.075         0.313%     95650  (        0.004 -        4.871) [7]
SkinTemplate::buildNavUrls                                                       1         9.578         9.578         0.311%    207510  (        9.578 -        9.578) [39]
Parser::braceSubstitution                                                       11         9.310         0.846         0.303%     86858  (        0.139 -        5.061) [112]
SkinTemplate::buildPersonalUrls                                                  1         9.086         9.086         0.295%      8213  (        9.086 -        9.086) [56]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff3                                        1         8.143         8.143         0.265%      4949  (        8.143 -        8.143) [36]
query: SELECT pr_type,pr_expiry,pr_level,pr_cascade FROM `page_restrictions      1         7.871         7.871         0.256%      1088  (        7.871 -        7.871) [0]
Setup.php-memcached                                                              1         6.822         6.822         0.222%    150368  (        6.822 -        6.822) [0]
ResourceLoader::filter                                                           3         6.642         2.214         0.216%     16554  (        2.052 -        2.536) [6]
JobQueue::getSiblingQueuesWithJobs                                               1         6.131         6.131         0.199%       825  (        6.131 -        6.131) [4]
Setup.php-misc1                                                                  1         5.970         5.970         0.194%     55504  (        5.970 -        5.970) [0]
query: SELECT DISTINCT job_cmd FROM `job` WHERE job_cmd IN ('X')                 1         5.787         5.787         0.188%      1080  (        5.787 -        5.787) [0]
ResourceLoader::__construct                                                      1         5.677         5.677         0.185%    169257  (        5.677 -        5.677) [3]
hook: MessageCache::get                                                        227         5.671         0.025         0.184%     50872  (        0.000 -        5.048) [0]
Parser::braceSubstitution-pfunc                                                  3         5.649         1.883         0.184%     36550  (        0.303 -        4.820) [17]
Parser::callParserFunction                                                       3         5.567         1.856         0.181%     31437  (        0.281 -        4.779) [14]
Parser::callParserFunction-pfunc-plural                                          3         5.517         1.839         0.179%     31436  (        0.266 -        4.756) [11]
Article::showPatrolFooter                                                        1         5.088         5.088         0.165%     97536  (        5.088 -        5.088) [2]
Title::getLinkURL                                                                9         4.676         0.520         0.152%     48155  (        0.049 -        3.967) [30]
Linker::linkUrl                                                                  6         4.471         0.745         0.145%     47482  (        0.049 -        3.971) [27]
Setup.php-defaults2                                                              1         4.403         4.403         0.143%       576  (        4.403 -        4.403) [1]
MessageBlobStore::get                                                            1         4.339         4.339         0.141%       929  (        4.339 -        4.339) [4]
Setup.php-exception                                                              1         4.331         4.331         0.141%     32992  (        4.331 -        4.331) [0]
hook: ParserFirstCallInit                                                        1         4.131         4.131         0.134%    125496  (        4.131 -        4.131) [1]
wfCite                                                                           1         4.110         4.110         0.134%    125096  (        4.110 -        4.110) [0]
query: INSERT IGNORE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('X'      2         4.055         2.028         0.132%       448  (        1.972 -        2.084) [0]
Title::getUserPermissionsErrorsInternal                                         12         3.805         0.317         0.124%     38465  (        0.038 -        2.891) [47]
query: SELECT mr_blob,mr_resource,mr_timestamp FROM `msg_resource` WHERE mr      1         3.801         3.801         0.124%      1128  (        3.801 -        3.801) [0]
SkinTemplate::buildContentNavigationUrls-live                                    1         3.782         3.782         0.123%      4973  (        3.782 -        3.782) [57]
Revision::loadText                                                               1         3.717         3.717         0.121%      1809  (        3.717 -        3.717) [5]
Setup.php-session                                                                1         3.522         3.522         0.115%      1976  (        3.522 -        3.522) [0]
SkinTemplate::outputPage-init                                                    1         3.510         3.510         0.114%     24362  (        3.510 -        3.510) [7]
Skin::initPage                                                                   1         3.473         3.473         0.113%     23698  (        3.473 -        3.473) [6]
query: SELECT old_text,old_flags FROM `text` WHERE old_id = 'X' LIMIT N          1         3.438         3.438         0.112%      1096  (        3.438 -        3.438) [0]
Setup.php-tempDir                                                                1         3.430         3.430         0.112%       224  (        3.430 -        3.430) [0]
query: REPLACE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('X')           1         3.257         3.257         0.106%       224  (        3.257 -        3.257) [0]
Parser::replaceExternalLinks                                                     1         3.054         3.054         0.099%      6595  (        3.054 -        3.054) [10]
query: SELECT wl_notificationtimestamp FROM `watchlist` WHERE wl_user = 'X'      1         2.984         2.984         0.097%      1088  (        2.984 -        2.984) [0]
query: SELECT page_namespace,page_title,page_touched FROM `page` WHERE (pag      4         2.854         0.714         0.093%      4352  (        0.464 -        1.192) [0]
Parser::braceSubstitution-modifiers                                             11         2.831         0.257         0.092%     44558  (        0.044 -        1.616) [59]
query: SELECT user_id FROM `user_newtalk` WHERE user_id = 'X' LIMIT N            1         2.801         2.801         0.091%      1080  (        2.801 -        2.801) [0]
User::getEffectiveGroups                                                         1         2.701         2.701         0.088%     25769  (        2.701 -        2.701) [3]
User::getAutomaticGroups                                                         1         2.684         2.684         0.087%     25272  (        2.684 -        2.684) [1]
ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse-user.cssprefs                                 1         2.642         2.642         0.086%     15129  (        2.642 -        2.642) [3]
Skin::getSkinNames-init                                                          1         2.524         2.524         0.082%      1576  (        2.524 -        2.524) [0]
MediaWiki_I18N::translate                                                        6         2.518         0.420         0.082%      2680  (        0.072 -        2.104) [23]
Preprocessor_DOM::preprocessToXml                                               12         2.326         0.194         0.076%    114824  (        0.074 -        0.867) [0]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-setup                                              1         1.907         1.907         0.062%      2666  (        1.907 -        1.907) [6]
MessageCache::load                                                               1         1.871         1.871         0.061%      1505  (        1.871 -        1.871) [4]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff2                                        1         1.858         1.858         0.060%      5493  (        1.858 -        1.858) [14]
MessageCache::load-fromcache                                                     1         1.847         1.847         0.060%      1025  (        1.847 -        1.847) [3]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-title                                              1         1.825         1.825         0.059%     12680  (        1.825 -        1.825) [0]
Article::fetchContentObject                                                      1         1.776         1.776         0.058%     17624  (        1.776 -        1.776) [1]
Skin::buildSidebar                                                               1         1.668         1.668         0.054%      6551  (        1.668 -        1.668) [40]
LinkBatch::executeInto                                                           1         1.577         1.577         0.051%      2641  (        1.577 -        1.577) [5]
LinkBatch::doQuery                                                               1         1.275         1.275         0.041%      2665  (        1.275 -        1.275) [4]
ResourceLoader::register                                                         2         1.104         0.552         0.036%     13912  (        0.032 -        1.073) [0]
query: SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_len,page_is_redirect,p      1         0.986         0.986         0.032%      1096  (        0.986 -        0.986) [0]
Parser::doDoubleUnderscore                                                       1         0.859         0.859         0.028%     12389  (        0.859 -        0.859) [14]
Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags                                                        3         0.830         0.277         0.027%     46649  (        0.057 -        0.410) [4]
Parser::braceSubstitution-setup                                                 11         0.672         0.061         0.022%      6516  (        0.030 -        0.281) [11]
query: SELECT value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'X' LIMIT N       2         0.660         0.330         0.021%      2192  (        0.266 -        0.394) [0]
Parser::doBlockLevels                                                            1         0.632         0.632         0.021%      6213  (        0.632 -        0.632) [14]
Parser::doTableStuff                                                             1         0.470         0.470         0.015%      5120  (        0.470 -        0.470) [0]
hook: MessagesPreLoad                                                          227         0.469         0.002         0.015%     50864  (        0.000 -        0.023) [0]
query: BEGIN                                                                     1         0.436         0.436         0.014%       352  (        0.436 -        0.436) [0]
Parser::doBlockLevels-paragraph                                                 14         0.408         0.029         0.013%      3592  (        0.007 -        0.275) [0]
hook: ParserClearState                                                          11         0.408         0.037         0.013%      9596  (        0.028 -        0.059) [11]
Parser::doMagicLinks                                                             1         0.405         0.405         0.013%      3336  (        0.405 -        0.405) [0]
SkinTemplate::setupTemplateForOutput                                             1         0.403         0.403         0.013%      4146  (        0.403 -        0.403) [6]
SkinTemplate::setupTemplateForOutput-stuff                                       1         0.391         0.391         0.013%      3601  (        0.391 -        0.391) [4]
Setup.php-defaults                                                               1         0.357         0.357         0.012%      6760  (        0.357 -        0.357) [0]
Parser::doHeadings                                                               1         0.282         0.282         0.009%      2352  (        0.282 -        0.282) [0]
SkinTemplate::buildContentNavigationUrls-edit                                    1         0.252         0.252         0.008%      1163  (        0.252 -        0.252) [9]
ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse-user.options                                  1         0.238         0.238         0.008%      3608  (        0.238 -        0.238) [0]
query: SELECT page_namespace,page_title,page_touched FROM `page` WHERE (pag      1         0.230         0.230         0.007%      1088  (        0.230 -        0.230) [0]
Cite::clearState                                                                11         0.188         0.017         0.006%      1760  (        0.013 -        0.027) [0]
Title::getPageLanguage                                                          16         0.131         0.008         0.004%      4457  (        0.002 -        0.055) [4]
Parser::doAllQuotes                                                              1         0.105         0.105         0.003%      4408  (        0.105 -        0.105) [0]
SpecialPageFactory::getList                                                      1         0.103         0.103         0.003%       864  (        0.103 -        0.103) [1]
hook: GetLocalURL::Internal                                                     39         0.098         0.003         0.003%      9048  (        0.000 -        0.013) [0]
Skin::getSiteNotice                                                              1         0.086         0.086         0.003%       330  (        0.086 -        0.086) [7]
hook: ParserCloned                                                               1         0.079         0.079         0.003%      2624  (        0.079 -        0.079) [1]
LinkCache::addLinkObj                                                            3         0.064         0.021         0.002%       848  (        0.018 -        0.023) [0]
Skin::getCachedNotice                                                            2         0.064         0.032         0.002%      1001  (       -0.001 -        0.064) [3]
StripState::unstripType                                                          8         0.060         0.007         0.002%      9592  (        0.005 -        0.010) [0]
hook: GetLocalURL::Article                                                      23         0.059         0.003         0.002%      5336  (        0.001 -        0.006) [0]
Linker::linkAttribs                                                              6         0.059         0.010         0.002%      4832  (        0.008 -        0.013) [0]
StubObject::_unstub-wgLang                                                       1         0.057         0.057         0.002%       256  (        0.057 -        0.057) [0]
hook: GetLocalURL                                                               39         0.056         0.001         0.002%      8744  (        0.000 -        0.002) [0]
ParserOptions::initialiseFromUser                                                2         0.051         0.026         0.002%       288  (        0.024 -        0.027) [0]
hook: userCan                                                                   12         0.039         0.003         0.001%      2592  (        0.001 -        0.020) [0]
hook: ParserAfterParse                                                           1         0.038         0.038         0.001%      1248  (        0.038 -        0.038) [1]
hook: TitleIsAlwaysKnown                                                         4         0.038         0.009         0.001%       928  (        0.001 -        0.032) [0]
hook: ParserGetVariableValueVarCache                                             8         0.034         0.004         0.001%      1920  (        0.002 -        0.013) [0]
Cite::cloneState                                                                 1         0.033         0.033         0.001%      1912  (        0.033 -        0.033) [0]
hook: ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor                                              2         0.032         0.016         0.001%       480  (        0.003 -        0.029) [0]
hook: TitleGetRestrictionTypes                                                   4         0.032         0.008         0.001%       928  (        0.002 -        0.027) [0]
BaseTemplate::getToolbox                                                         1         0.031         0.031         0.001%      3312  (        0.031 -        0.031) [1]
hook: ParserBeforeTidy                                                           1         0.031         0.031         0.001%      1032  (        0.031 -        0.031) [1]
hook: ParserGetVariableValueTs                                                   8         0.030         0.004         0.001%      1856  (        0.002 -        0.013) [0]
Cite::checkRefsNoReferences                                                      2         0.030         0.015         0.001%       488  (        0.012 -        0.018) [0]
Parser::initialiseVariables                                                      1         0.028         0.028         0.001%       680  (        0.028 -        0.028) [1]
hook: ParserBeforeStrip                                                         11         0.028         0.003         0.001%      2464  (        0.002 -        0.006) [0]
SkinTemplate::buildContentActionUrls                                             1         0.024         0.024         0.001%       856  (        0.024 -        0.024) [0]
hook: TitleQuickPermissions                                                      9         0.024         0.003         0.001%      2088  (        0.000 -        0.008) [0]
hook: TitleIsCssOrJsPage                                                         3         0.021         0.007         0.001%       696  (        0.002 -        0.018) [0]
hook: ParserLimitReportFormat                                                    7         0.021         0.003         0.001%      1624  (        0.002 -        0.004) [0]
hook: TitleIsWikitextPage                                                        2         0.020         0.010         0.001%       464  (        0.002 -        0.019) [0]
hook: getUserPermissionsErrors                                                  12         0.017         0.001         0.001%      2792  (        0.000 -        0.002) [0]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-e1                                                 1         0.016         0.016         0.001%      1624  (        0.016 -        0.016) [0]
LinkHolderArray::replaceText                                                     2         0.015         0.008         0.000%       664  (        0.006 -        0.010) [0]
hook: WebRequestPathInfoRouter                                                   1         0.015         0.015         0.000%       232  (        0.015 -        0.015) [0]
MediaWiki::checkMaxLag                                                           1         0.014         0.014         0.000%       320  (        0.014 -        0.014) [0]
LanguageGetMagic                                                                 1         0.014         0.014         0.000%       216  (        0.014 -        0.014) [1]
hook: LinkerMakeExternalLink                                                     5         0.014         0.003         0.000%      1160  (        0.002 -        0.006) [0]
hook: ParserAfterStrip                                                          11         0.013         0.001         0.000%      2464  (        0.000 -        0.002) [0]
hook: LinkEnd                                                                    6         0.013         0.002         0.000%      1296  (        0.002 -        0.003) [0]
hook: LinkBegin                                                                  6         0.013         0.002         0.000%      1296  (        0.001 -        0.005) [0]
hook: UserRetrieveNewTalks                                                       2         0.013         0.006         0.000%       464  (        0.003 -        0.009) [0]
hook: SetupAfterCache                                                            1         0.013         0.013         0.000%       288  (        0.013 -        0.013) [0]
Linker::link-checkPageExistence                                                  6         0.012         0.002         0.000%      1392  (       -0.001 -        0.007) [0]
Revision::getRevisionText                                                        1         0.012         0.012         0.000%       616  (        0.012 -        0.012) [0]
hook: ArticlePageDataAfter                                                       1         0.011         0.011         0.000%       232  (        0.011 -        0.011) [0]
hook: ResourceLoaderRegisterModules                                              1         0.011         0.011         0.000%       240  (        0.011 -        0.011) [0]
hook: UserLoadFromSession                                                        1         0.011         0.011         0.000%       232  (        0.011 -        0.011) [0]
hook: ArticlePageDataBefore                                                      1         0.011         0.011         0.000%       232  (        0.011 -        0.011) [0]
MessageCache::saveToCaches                                                       1         0.011         0.011         0.000%       336  (        0.011 -        0.011) [0]
hook: ParserSectionCreate                                                        3         0.011         0.004         0.000%       696  (        0.002 -        0.006) [0]
hook: GetNewMessagesAlert                                                        1         0.010         0.010         0.000%       232  (        0.010 -        0.010) [0]
hook: AuthPluginSetup                                                            1         0.010         0.010         0.000%       224  (        0.010 -        0.010) [0]
SkinTemplate::setupTemplateForOutput-init                                        1         0.010         0.010         0.000%       768  (        0.010 -        0.010) [0]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-misc                                               1         0.010         0.010         0.000%       272  (        0.010 -        0.010) [0]
hook: AjaxAddScript                                                              1         0.009         0.009         0.000%       224  (        0.009 -        0.009) [0]
hook: UserLoadOptions                                                            2         0.009         0.005         0.000%       448  (        0.002 -        0.008) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec                                           1         0.008         0.008         0.000%       240  (        0.008 -        0.008) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateTabAction                                                      3         0.007         0.002         0.000%       696  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: ArticleFromTitle                                                           1         0.007         0.007         0.000%       224  (        0.007 -        0.007) [0]
DeferredUpdates::doUpdates                                                       1         0.007         0.007         0.000%       320  (        0.007 -        0.007) [0]
hook: PageContentLanguage                                                        3         0.007         0.002         0.000%       696  (        0.001 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SkinAfterBottomScripts                                                     1         0.006         0.006         0.000%       232  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: MagicWordwgVariableIDs                                                     1         0.006         0.006         0.000%       232  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: OutputPageBodyAttributes                                                   1         0.006         0.006         0.000%       232  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: LanguageGetMagic                                                           1         0.006         0.006         0.000%       224  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: GetAutoPromoteGroups                                                       1         0.005         0.005         0.000%       232  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: ArticleAfterFetchContentObject                                             1         0.005         0.005         0.000%       240  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: BaseTemplateAfterPortlet                                                   2         0.005         0.002         0.000%       464  (        0.002 -        0.003) [0]
WebStart.php-ob_start                                                            1         0.005         0.005         0.000%       224  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: CanonicalNamespaces                                                        1         0.005         0.005         0.000%       232  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: ArticleViewFooter                                                          1         0.005         0.005         0.000%       224  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: ParserAfterTidy                                                            1         0.005         0.005         0.000%       224  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: MediaWikiPerformAction                                                     1         0.005         0.005         0.000%       232  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
Sanitizer::removeHTMLcomments                                                    3         0.005         0.002         0.000%       792  (        0.001 -        0.002) [0]
LinkHolderArray::replace                                                         1         0.004         0.004         0.000%       712  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: LanguageGetSpecialPageAliases                                              1         0.004         0.004         0.000%       240  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
Article::getContentObject                                                        2         0.004         0.002         0.000%       464  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: DoEditSectionLink                                                          2         0.004         0.002         0.000%       448  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: GetDoubleUnderscoreIDs                                                     1         0.004         0.004         0.000%       232  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: SkinAfterContent                                                           1         0.003         0.003         0.000%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: ParserLimitReportPrepare                                                   1         0.003         0.003         0.000%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SpecialPage_initList                                                       1         0.003         0.003         0.000%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: NamespaceIsMovable                                                         2         0.003         0.002         0.000%       464  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: InternalParseBeforeSanitize                                                1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       240  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: ParserLimitReport                                                          1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SiteNoticeAfter                                                            1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: UserGetDefaultOptions                                                      1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: InternalParseBeforeLinks                                                   1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: LanguageLinks                                                              1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: OutputPageParserOutput                                                     1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: GetCanonicalURL                                                            1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: BeforeInitialize                                                           1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: MakeGlobalVariablesScript                                                  1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinVectorStyleModules                                                     1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinTemplatePreventOtherActiveTabs                                         1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       248  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateToolboxEnd                                                     1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinBuildSidebar                                                           1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: LanguageGetNamespaces                                                      1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SearchableNamespaces                                                       1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: AfterFinalPageOutput                                                       1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: BaseTemplateToolbox                                                        1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: UserGetLanguageObject                                                      1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: ArticleViewHeader                                                          1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinSubPageSubtitle                                                        1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinGetPoweredBy                                                           1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: ArticleContentViewCustom                                                   1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: ParserBeforeInternalParse                                                  1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: RequestContextCreateSkin                                                   1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: OutputPageBeforeHTML                                                       1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: BeforePageDisplay                                                          1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: UserLoadAfterLoadFromSession                                               1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       240  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SiteNoticeBefore                                                           1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect                                             1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       240  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: UserGetRights                                                              1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: UserEffectiveGroups                                                        1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: PersonalUrls                                                               1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink                             1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       256  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal                                          1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       240  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: PageRenderingHash                                                          1         0.001         0.001         0.000%       224  (        0.001 -        0.001) [0]
hook: getUserPermissionsErrorsExpensive                                          2         0.001         0.000         0.000%       480  (        0.000 -        0.001) [0]
hook: TitleIsMovable                                                             1         0.001         0.001         0.000%       224  (        0.001 -        0.001) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateNavigation                                                     1         0.001         0.001         0.000%       232  (        0.001 -        0.001) [0]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-interwiki                                          1        -0.001        -0.001        -0.000%       240  (       -0.001 -        0.000) [0]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff-head                                    1        -0.002        -0.002        -0.000%       248  (       -0.002 -        0.000) [0]

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Apparently, it takes a lot of time when connecting to the database. I guess it's a local database, but I don't see why it should take so much time for this. (talkcontribs)

Thanks for checking it out.

Yes, it is a local database. (As I mentioned in OP, this is a Bitnami installation on my windows machine).

Would you know a good way to troubleshoot this connection issue? Is there a tool I could run to fix whatever is going on? Profiling page talked about debugging "specific functions", but I am not sure which function is the culprit.

This slowdown has really made my wiki, which I have been using since at least 2008, quite a pain to access.

A1s2d3f4 (talkcontribs)
Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Doesn't seem to be related, apparently it resets the error message if an early error has occurred before attempting to connect to the database a second time.

About a way to troubleshoot this, I don't really know. Maybe create a simple PHP script that manually connects to the database, and measure how long it takes to connect?

A1s2d3f4 (talkcontribs)

Being a php noob, is there a site I could go to to learn how to do it?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
A1s2d3f4 (talkcontribs)

I changed 3306 to the port number I have assigned to $wgUDPProfilerPort in LocalSettings.php. I changed user, password, and database to what I have in $wgDBname $wgDBuser $wgDBpassword.

I ran this php script and got this: via TCP/IP

Then, after a really long time - 30 seconds perhaps - the following appeared:

PHP Warning:  mysqli::mysqli(): MySQL server has gone away in C:\Bitnami\mediawi
ki-1.22.6-0\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\TestingConnection.php on line 8
PHP Warning:  mysqli::mysqli(): Error while reading greeting packet. PID=340 in
C:\Bitnami\mediawiki-1.22.6-0\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\TestingConnection.php on lin
e 8
PHP Warning:  mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2006): MySQL server has gone away in C:\B
itnami\mediawiki-1.22.6-0\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\TestingConnection.php on line 8
Failed to connect to MySQL: (2006) MySQL server has gone awayPHP Warning:  main(
): Couldn't fetch mysqli in C:\Bitnami\mediawiki-1.22.6-0\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\
TestingConnection.php on line 13

Does this make any sense?

A1s2d3f4 (talkcontribs)

With further experimentation, I fixed my problem!!!

First of all, I tried to go to the "Default" 3306 port number, then the test php worked fine.

But I noticed that if I changed from "" to "localhost", the connection took much longer to result in an output.

So, then, I looked at my $wgDBserver = in LocalSettings.php and changed it from "localhost" to "".

Now my wiki is as fast as ever.

What's going on here?

I thought localhost = I guess it is, but translation of the "localhost" string to the IP address is taking forever.

Here is what I have in my profiler now:

Profiling data
Name                                                                         Calls         Total          Each             %       Mem
-total                                                                           1       477.606       477.606       100.000%  12618911  (      477.606 -      477.606) [2181]
MediaWiki::main                                                                  1       337.025       337.025        70.565%   7623509  (      337.025 -      337.025) [2133]
OutputPage::output                                                               1       132.076       132.076        27.654%   1903747  (      132.076 -      132.076) [1385]
Output-skin                                                                      1       129.991       129.991        27.217%   1874329  (      129.991 -      129.991) [1380]
SkinTemplate::outputPage                                                         1       129.914       129.914        27.201%   1918656  (      129.914 -      129.914) [1379]
MediaWiki::performRequest                                                        1       124.243       124.243        26.014%   3498065  (      124.243 -      124.243) [683]
MediaWiki::performAction                                                         1       108.343       108.343        22.685%   2887503  (      108.343 -      108.343) [655]
Article::view                                                                    1       108.266       108.266        22.668%   2888582  (      108.266 -      108.266) [653]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate                                               1        95.652        95.652        20.027%   1866812  (       95.652 -       95.652) [711]
Setup.php                                                                        1        81.382        81.382        17.040%   3765629  (       81.382 -       81.382) [15]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff5                                        1        66.358        66.358        13.894%   1183157  (       66.358 -       66.358) [543]
DatabaseBase::query                                                            136        59.961         0.441        12.554%    133787  (        0.133 -        6.130) [136]
MessageCache::get                                                              227        50.433         0.222        10.560%    122359  (        0.026 -        1.064) [889]
Setup.php-globals                                                                1        48.959        48.959        10.251%   2399928  (       48.959 -       48.959) [2]
Parser::parse                                                                    1        44.828        44.828         9.386%    663655  (       44.828 -       44.828) [379]
Parser::parse-WikitextContent::getParserOutput                                   1        44.825        44.825         9.385%    663670  (       44.825 -       44.825) [378]
LocalisationCache::getSubitem-load                                              87        41.783         0.480         8.748%    106715  (        0.381 -        1.145) [348]
-overhead-total                                                               2182        39.492         0.018         8.269%   1500392  (       39.492 -       39.492) [2182]
query: SELECT lc_value FROM `lNn_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'X' LIMIT N            103        32.313         0.314         6.766%    112768  (        0.214 -        1.800) [0]
SkinTemplate::outputPage-execute                                                 1        32.121        32.121         6.725%     26912  (       32.121 -       32.121) [658]
Parser::internalParse                                                            1        25.822        25.822         5.406%    609284  (       25.822 -       25.822) [119]
LocalisationCache::getItem-load                                                 14        25.336         1.810         5.305%    113562  (        0.394 -       16.657) [69]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff4                                        1        24.736        24.736         5.179%    669832  (       24.736 -       24.736) [106]
Parser::transformMsg                                                            10        24.117         2.412         5.050%    508911  (        0.494 -       13.551) [233]
Parser::preprocess                                                              10        24.057         2.406         5.037%    509092  (        0.490 -       13.543) [223]
Linker::titleAttrib                                                             32        23.293         0.728         4.877%     43803  (        0.069 -        2.174) [518]
User::load                                                                       2        22.972        11.486         4.810%    235891  (        0.855 -       22.117) [30]
MediaWiki::triggerJobs                                                           1        20.736        20.736         4.342%    272540  (       20.736 -       20.736) [13]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2                                                    1        19.615        19.615         4.107%    591063  (       19.615 -       19.615) [41]
ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse                                               2        19.426         9.713         4.067%    748206  (        2.212 -       17.215) [17]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-always_known                                       1        17.633        17.633         3.692%    575114  (       17.633 -       17.633) [29]
Parser::replaceVariables                                                        11        17.516         1.592         3.667%    307895  (        0.379 -        7.363) [169]
-overhead-internal                                                            2182        16.466         0.008         3.448%    488776  (        0.006 -        0.146) [0]
Setup.php-extensions                                                             1        14.311        14.311         2.996%    697184  (       14.311 -       14.311) [2]
Setup.php-extensions-registerFileProtocolLinksSMB                                1        14.296        14.296         2.993%    696824  (       14.296 -       14.296) [1]
StubObject::_unstub-wgParser                                                     1        14.245        14.245         2.983%    697320  (       14.245 -       14.245) [0]
WebStart.php-conf                                                                1        14.222        14.222         2.978%    471968  (       14.222 -       14.222) [0]
MediaWiki::initializeArticle                                                     1        14.021        14.021         2.936%    578302  (       14.021 -       14.021) [16]
ParserOutput::getText                                                            1        13.886        13.886         2.907%    604125  (       13.886 -       13.886) [35]
ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse-user.tokens                                   1        13.589        13.589         2.845%    689216  (       13.589 -       13.589) [0]
RequestContext::getSkin-createskin                                               1        12.757        12.757         2.671%    600416  (       12.757 -       12.757) [2]
LoadBalancer::getConnection                                                    123        11.534         0.094         2.415%    308207  (        0.006 -        7.690) [127]
LoadBalancer::openConnection                                                   123        10.280         0.084         2.152%    303713  (        0.000 -        7.669) [4]
Parser::firstCallInit                                                            1        10.088        10.088         2.112%    427140  (       10.088 -       10.088) [76]
query: DELETE FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'X'                             3         9.896         3.299         2.072%       672  (        1.654 -        6.115) [0]
-setup                                                                           1         9.730         9.730         2.037%         0  (        9.730 -        9.730) [0]
PPFrame_DOM::expand                                                             34         9.502         0.279         1.989%    126103  (        0.012 -        4.426) [126]
Setup.php-includes                                                               1         8.549         8.549         1.790%    366472  (        8.549 -        8.549) [0]
Linker::accesskey                                                               30         7.939         0.265         1.662%     27332  (        0.047 -        0.777) [161]
SkinTemplate::buildContentNavigationUrls                                         1         7.911         7.911         1.656%     83557  (        7.911 -        7.911) [121]
Linker::link                                                                     6         7.903         1.317         1.655%    184205  (        0.164 -        6.840) [57]
Parser::braceSubstitution                                                       11         7.554         0.687         1.582%     86858  (        0.150 -        4.316) [112]
Parser::clearState                                                              11         6.980         0.635         1.461%    217568  (        0.078 -        5.992) [22]
SkinTemplate::buildNavUrls                                                       1         6.741         6.741         1.412%    207518  (        6.741 -        6.741) [39]
query: SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'X'      10         5.115         0.512         1.071%     11032  (        0.257 -        1.314) [0]
DatabaseMysqlBase::open                                                          2         4.785         2.392         1.002%      2720  (        2.277 -        2.507) [2]
Parser::braceSubstitution-pfunc                                                  3         4.379         1.460         0.917%     36550  (        0.276 -        3.820) [17]
SkinTemplate::buildPersonalUrls                                                  1         4.340         4.340         0.909%      8213  (        4.340 -        4.340) [56]
Parser::callParserFunction                                                       3         4.300         1.433         0.900%     31437  (        0.254 -        3.785) [14]
Parser::callParserFunction-pfunc-plural                                          3         4.244         1.415         0.889%     31436  (        0.240 -        3.760) [11]
query: INSERT IGNORE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('X'      2         3.805         1.903         0.797%       448  (        1.791 -        2.014) [0]
ResourceLoader::__construct                                                      1         3.756         3.756         0.786%    169257  (        3.756 -        3.756) [3]
Setup.php-memcached                                                              1         3.557         3.557         0.745%    150376  (        3.557 -        3.557) [0]
Article::showPatrolFooter                                                        1         3.493         3.493         0.731%     97536  (        3.493 -        3.493) [2]
dbconnect-                                                              2         3.374         1.687         0.706%      2416  (        1.593 -        1.780) [0]
ResourceLoader::filter                                                           3         3.331         1.110         0.697%     16554  (        0.686 -        1.412) [6]
Title::getLinkURL                                                                9         3.313         0.368         0.694%     48163  (        0.058 -        2.613) [30]
Linker::linkUrl                                                                  6         3.105         0.518         0.650%     47490  (        0.063 -        2.621) [27]
Preprocessor_DOM::preprocessToObj                                               12         3.002         0.250         0.629%     13753  (        0.132 -        0.661) [24]
hook: ParserFirstCallInit                                                        1         2.935         2.935         0.615%    125504  (        2.935 -        2.935) [1]
wfCite                                                                           1         2.912         2.912         0.610%    125104  (        2.912 -        2.912) [0]
Title::getUserPermissionsErrorsInternal                                         12         2.719         0.227         0.569%     38465  (        0.042 -        1.732) [47]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff3                                        1         2.624         2.624         0.549%      4949  (        2.624 -        2.624) [36]
Parser::braceSubstitution-modifiers                                             11         2.617         0.238         0.548%     44558  (        0.045 -        1.139) [59]
SkinTemplate::buildContentNavigationUrls-live                                    1         2.531         2.531         0.530%      4973  (        2.531 -        2.531) [57]
MagicWord::load                                                                129         2.459         0.019         0.515%     95650  (        0.004 -        1.197) [7]
SkinTemplate::outputPage-init                                                    1         2.108         2.108         0.441%     24362  (        2.108 -        2.108) [7]
Skin::initPage                                                                   1         2.067         2.067         0.433%     23698  (        2.067 -        2.067) [6]
Preprocessor_DOM::preprocessToXml                                               12         1.993         0.166         0.417%    114824  (        0.081 -        0.542) [0]
Skin::buildSidebar                                                               1         1.764         1.764         0.369%      6543  (        1.764 -        1.764) [40]
query: SELECT page_namespace,page_title,page_touched FROM `page` WHERE (pag      4         1.735         0.434         0.363%      4352  (        0.327 -        0.506) [0]
ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse-user.cssprefs                                 1         1.510         1.510         0.316%     15129  (        1.510 -        1.510) [3]
Setup.php-misc1                                                                  1         1.490         1.490         0.312%     55528  (        1.490 -        1.490) [0]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff2                                        1         1.453         1.453         0.304%      5493  (        1.453 -        1.453) [14]
query: REPLACE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('X')           1         1.433         1.433         0.300%       224  (        1.433 -        1.433) [0]
User::getEffectiveGroups                                                         1         1.419         1.419         0.297%     25769  (        1.419 -        1.419) [3]
Parser::replaceExternalLinks                                                     1         1.405         1.405         0.294%      6595  (        1.405 -        1.405) [10]
User::getAutomaticGroups                                                         1         1.394         1.394         0.292%     25272  (        1.394 -        1.394) [1]
MediaWiki_I18N::translate                                                        6         1.184         0.197         0.248%      2680  (        0.074 -        0.769) [23]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-title                                              1         1.149         1.149         0.240%     12680  (        1.149 -        1.149) [0]
JobQueue::getSiblingQueuesWithJobs                                               1         1.143         1.143         0.239%       825  (        1.143 -        1.143) [4]
Article::fetchContentObject                                                      1         1.086         1.086         0.227%     17624  (        1.086 -        1.086) [1]
hook: MessageCache::get                                                        227         0.992         0.004         0.208%     50864  (        0.002 -        0.251) [0]
MessageCache::load                                                               1         0.975         0.975         0.204%      1505  (        0.975 -        0.975) [4]
MessageCache::load-fromcache                                                     1         0.949         0.949         0.199%      1025  (        0.949 -        0.949) [3]
Setup.php-exception                                                              1         0.905         0.905         0.190%     32992  (        0.905 -        0.905) [0]
LinkBatch::executeInto                                                           1         0.901         0.901         0.189%      2641  (        0.901 -        0.901) [5]
MessageBlobStore::get                                                            1         0.866         0.866         0.181%       929  (        0.866 -        0.866) [4]
query: SELECT DISTINCT job_cmd FROM `job` WHERE job_cmd IN ('X')                 1         0.814         0.814         0.170%      1080  (        0.814 -        0.814) [0]
ResourceLoader::register                                                         2         0.809         0.404         0.169%     13912  (        0.021 -        0.788) [0]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-setup                                              1         0.784         0.784         0.164%      2666  (        0.784 -        0.784) [6]
Setup.php-defaults2                                                              1         0.774         0.774         0.162%       576  (        0.774 -        0.774) [1]
Preprocessor_DOM::preprocessToObj-loadXML                                       12         0.770         0.064         0.161%      7696  (        0.038 -        0.094) [0]
Revision::loadText                                                               1         0.721         0.721         0.151%      1809  (        0.721 -        0.721) [5]
Setup.php-tempDir                                                                1         0.707         0.707         0.148%       224  (        0.707 -        0.707) [0]
Setup.php-session                                                                1         0.644         0.644         0.135%      1976  (        0.644 -        0.644) [0]
query: SELECT rev_id,rev_page,rev_text_id,rev_timestamp,rev_comment,rev_use      1         0.639         0.639         0.134%      1256  (        0.639 -        0.639) [0]
hook: MessagesPreLoad                                                          227         0.638         0.003         0.134%     50864  (        0.001 -        0.008) [0]
LinkBatch::doQuery                                                               1         0.638         0.638         0.134%      2665  (        0.638 -        0.638) [4]
query: SELECT value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'X' LIMIT N       2         0.625         0.313         0.131%      2192  (        0.282 -        0.343) [0]
SkinTemplate::setupTemplateForOutput                                             1         0.464         0.464         0.097%      4146  (        0.464 -        0.464) [6]
Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags                                                        3         0.461         0.154         0.097%     46649  (        0.067 -        0.249) [4]
query: SELECT old_text,old_flags FROM `text` WHERE old_id = 'X' LIMIT N          1         0.450         0.450         0.094%      1096  (        0.450 -        0.450) [0]
SkinTemplate::setupTemplateForOutput-stuff                                       1         0.448         0.448         0.094%      3601  (        0.448 -        0.448) [4]
query: SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_restrictions,page_coun      1         0.442         0.442         0.093%      1192  (        0.442 -        0.442) [0]
Parser::doBlockLevels                                                            1         0.431         0.431         0.090%      6213  (        0.431 -        0.431) [14]
query: SELECT mr_blob,mr_resource,mr_timestamp FROM `msg_resource` WHERE mr      1         0.409         0.409         0.086%      1128  (        0.409 -        0.409) [0]
Parser::doMagicLinks                                                             1         0.405         0.405         0.085%      3336  (        0.405 -        0.405) [0]
Parser::braceSubstitution-setup                                                 11         0.405         0.037         0.085%      6516  (        0.031 -        0.044) [11]
query: SELECT wl_notificationtimestamp FROM `watchlist` WHERE wl_user = 'X'      1         0.401         0.401         0.084%      1088  (        0.401 -        0.401) [0]
hook: ParserClearState                                                          11         0.396         0.036         0.083%      9596  (        0.028 -        0.044) [11]
query: SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_len,page_is_redirect,p      1         0.386         0.386         0.081%      1096  (        0.386 -        0.386) [0]
Skin::getSkinNames-init                                                          1         0.376         0.376         0.079%      1576  (        0.376 -        0.376) [0]
Parser::doDoubleUnderscore                                                       1         0.356         0.356         0.075%     12389  (        0.356 -        0.356) [14]
query: SELECT pr_type,pr_expiry,pr_level,pr_cascade FROM `page_restrictions      1         0.333         0.333         0.070%      1088  (        0.333 -        0.333) [0]
Setup.php-defaults                                                               1         0.325         0.325         0.068%      6760  (        0.325 -        0.325) [0]
SkinTemplate::buildContentNavigationUrls-edit                                    1         0.273         0.273         0.057%      1163  (        0.273 -        0.273) [9]
query: SELECT page_namespace,page_title,page_touched FROM `page` WHERE (pag      1         0.213         0.213         0.045%      1088  (        0.213 -        0.213) [0]
Parser::doBlockLevels-paragraph                                                 14         0.208         0.015         0.043%      3592  (        0.008 -        0.049) [0]
query: SELECT user_id FROM `user_newtalk` WHERE user_id = 'X' LIMIT N            1         0.192         0.192         0.040%      1080  (        0.192 -        0.192) [0]
Cite::clearState                                                                11         0.182         0.017         0.038%      1760  (        0.012 -        0.018) [0]
ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse-user.options                                  1         0.161         0.161         0.034%      3608  (        0.161 -        0.161) [0]
hook: GetLocalURL                                                               39         0.150         0.004         0.031%      8744  (        0.001 -        0.052) [0]
Title::getPageLanguage                                                          16         0.150         0.009         0.031%      4457  (        0.002 -        0.068) [4]
query: BEGIN                                                                     1         0.129         0.129         0.027%       352  (        0.129 -        0.129) [0]
hook: GetLocalURL::Internal                                                     39         0.111         0.003         0.023%      9048  (        0.001 -        0.005) [0]
Skin::getSiteNotice                                                              1         0.103         0.103         0.022%       330  (        0.103 -        0.103) [7]
Parser::doAllQuotes                                                              1         0.096         0.096         0.020%      4408  (        0.096 -        0.096) [0]
hook: GetLocalURL::Article                                                      23         0.085         0.004         0.018%      5336  (        0.002 -        0.006) [0]
Skin::getCachedNotice                                                            2         0.072         0.036         0.015%      1001  (        0.000 -        0.071) [3]
SpecialPageFactory::getList                                                      1         0.070         0.070         0.015%       864  (        0.070 -        0.070) [1]
Linker::linkAttribs                                                              6         0.067         0.011         0.014%      4832  (        0.009 -        0.015) [0]
LinkCache::addLinkObj                                                            3         0.067         0.022         0.014%       848  (        0.022 -        0.023) [0]
StripState::unstripType                                                          8         0.066         0.008         0.014%      9592  (        0.007 -        0.011) [0]
Parser::doTableStuff                                                             1         0.064         0.064         0.013%      5120  (        0.064 -        0.064) [0]
StubObject::_unstub-wgLang                                                       1         0.061         0.061         0.013%       256  (        0.061 -        0.061) [0]
ParserOptions::initialiseFromUser                                                2         0.058         0.029         0.012%       288  (        0.028 -        0.030) [0]
Parser::doHeadings                                                               1         0.055         0.055         0.012%      2352  (        0.055 -        0.055) [0]
hook: ParserCloned                                                               1         0.051         0.051         0.011%      2624  (        0.051 -        0.051) [1]
hook: ParserAfterParse                                                           1         0.040         0.040         0.008%      1248  (        0.040 -        0.040) [1]
hook: ParserBeforeStrip                                                         11         0.038         0.003         0.008%      2464  (        0.002 -        0.006) [0]
hook: userCan                                                                   12         0.035         0.003         0.007%      2592  (        0.002 -        0.003) [0]
hook: ParserGetVariableValueVarCache                                             8         0.034         0.004         0.007%      1920  (        0.002 -        0.007) [0]
Cite::cloneState                                                                 1         0.033         0.033         0.007%      1912  (        0.033 -        0.033) [0]
BaseTemplate::getToolbox                                                         1         0.032         0.032         0.007%      3312  (        0.032 -        0.032) [1]
hook: getUserPermissionsErrors                                                  12         0.032         0.003         0.007%      2792  (        0.001 -        0.004) [0]
hook: ParserLimitReportFormat                                                    7         0.030         0.004         0.006%      1624  (        0.002 -        0.006) [0]
hook: TitleQuickPermissions                                                      9         0.030         0.003         0.006%      2088  (        0.002 -        0.004) [0]
hook: ParserBeforeTidy                                                           1         0.029         0.029         0.006%      1032  (        0.029 -        0.029) [1]
Cite::checkRefsNoReferences                                                      2         0.029         0.014         0.006%       488  (        0.010 -        0.018) [0]
Parser::initialiseVariables                                                      1         0.028         0.028         0.006%       680  (        0.028 -        0.028) [1]
hook: ParserAfterStrip                                                          11         0.028         0.003         0.006%      2464  (        0.002 -        0.004) [0]
hook: ParserGetVariableValueTs                                                   8         0.026         0.003         0.006%      1856  (        0.002 -        0.004) [0]
SkinTemplate::buildContentActionUrls                                             1         0.026         0.026         0.006%       864  (        0.026 -        0.026) [0]
LanguageGetMagic                                                                 1         0.022         0.022         0.005%       216  (        0.022 -        0.022) [1]
hook: LinkBegin                                                                  6         0.021         0.004         0.004%      1296  (        0.002 -        0.005) [0]
hook: LinkerMakeExternalLink                                                     5         0.020         0.004         0.004%      1160  (        0.003 -        0.005) [0]
hook: LinkEnd                                                                    6         0.018         0.003         0.004%      1296  (        0.002 -        0.003) [0]
LinkHolderArray::replaceText                                                     2         0.016         0.008         0.003%       664  (        0.007 -        0.008) [0]
hook: TitleGetRestrictionTypes                                                   4         0.016         0.004         0.003%       928  (        0.003 -        0.006) [0]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-e1                                                 1         0.015         0.015         0.003%      1624  (        0.015 -        0.015) [0]
Linker::link-checkPageExistence                                                  6         0.015         0.002         0.003%      1392  (        0.001 -        0.006) [0]
hook: TitleIsAlwaysKnown                                                         4         0.014         0.003         0.003%       928  (        0.002 -        0.004) [0]
MediaWiki::checkMaxLag                                                           1         0.012         0.012         0.003%       320  (        0.012 -        0.012) [0]
hook: AuthPluginSetup                                                            1         0.012         0.012         0.002%       224  (        0.012 -        0.012) [0]
Revision::getRevisionText                                                        1         0.012         0.012         0.002%       616  (        0.012 -        0.012) [0]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-misc                                               1         0.011         0.011         0.002%       272  (        0.011 -        0.011) [0]
hook: PageContentLanguage                                                        3         0.011         0.004         0.002%       696  (        0.003 -        0.004) [0]
hook: TitleIsCssOrJsPage                                                         3         0.011         0.004         0.002%       696  (        0.002 -        0.004) [0]
hook: ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor                                              2         0.010         0.005         0.002%       480  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: WebRequestPathInfoRouter                                                   1         0.009         0.009         0.002%       232  (        0.009 -        0.009) [0]
hook: ParserSectionCreate                                                        3         0.009         0.003         0.002%       696  (        0.002 -        0.004) [0]
MessageCache::saveToCaches                                                       1         0.008         0.008         0.002%       336  (        0.008 -        0.008) [0]
hook: AjaxAddScript                                                              1         0.008         0.008         0.002%       224  (        0.008 -        0.008) [0]
SkinTemplate::setupTemplateForOutput-init                                        1         0.008         0.008         0.002%       768  (        0.008 -        0.008) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateTabAction                                                      3         0.008         0.003         0.002%       696  (        0.002 -        0.003) [0]
hook: UserLoadOptions                                                            2         0.008         0.004         0.002%       448  (        0.002 -        0.006) [0]
hook: UserRetrieveNewTalks                                                       2         0.008         0.004         0.002%       464  (        0.003 -        0.004) [0]
hook: SetupAfterCache                                                            1         0.007         0.007         0.002%       288  (        0.007 -        0.007) [0]
hook: LanguageGetMagic                                                           1         0.007         0.007         0.002%       224  (        0.007 -        0.007) [0]
Sanitizer::removeHTMLcomments                                                    3         0.007         0.002         0.001%       792  (        0.002 -        0.004) [0]
hook: MagicWordwgVariableIDs                                                     1         0.007         0.007         0.001%       232  (        0.007 -        0.007) [0]
hook: GetAutoPromoteGroups                                                       1         0.007         0.007         0.001%       232  (        0.007 -        0.007) [0]
hook: ArticlePageDataBefore                                                      1         0.007         0.007         0.001%       232  (        0.007 -        0.007) [0]
hook: LanguageGetSpecialPageAliases                                              1         0.007         0.007         0.001%       240  (        0.007 -        0.007) [0]
hook: ArticleFromTitle                                                           1         0.006         0.006         0.001%       224  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: NamespaceIsMovable                                                         2         0.006         0.003         0.001%       464  (        0.002 -        0.003) [0]
hook: LanguageLinks                                                              1         0.006         0.006         0.001%       224  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: ArticleAfterFetchContentObject                                             1         0.006         0.006         0.001%       240  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: ArticleViewFooter                                                          1         0.006         0.006         0.001%       224  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: OutputPageBodyAttributes                                                   1         0.006         0.006         0.001%       232  (        0.006 -        0.006) [0]
hook: SkinAfterBottomScripts                                                     1         0.005         0.005         0.001%       232  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: ResourceLoaderRegisterModules                                              1         0.005         0.005         0.001%       240  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: getUserPermissionsErrorsExpensive                                          2         0.005         0.002         0.001%       480  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
Article::getContentObject                                                        2         0.005         0.002         0.001%       464  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: DoEditSectionLink                                                          2         0.005         0.002         0.001%       448  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: BaseTemplateAfterPortlet                                                   2         0.005         0.002         0.001%       464  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: TitleIsWikitextPage                                                        2         0.005         0.002         0.001%       464  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: MakeGlobalVariablesScript                                                  1         0.005         0.005         0.001%       232  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: SkinAfterContent                                                           1         0.005         0.005         0.001%       224  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: SpecialPage_initList                                                       1         0.005         0.005         0.001%       232  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
WebStart.php-ob_start                                                            1         0.005         0.005         0.001%       224  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
hook: MediaWikiPerformAction                                                     1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       232  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: CanonicalNamespaces                                                        1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       232  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
DeferredUpdates::doUpdates                                                       1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       320  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: ParserLimitReportPrepare                                                   1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       232  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: ArticlePageDataAfter                                                       1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       232  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: AfterFinalPageOutput                                                       1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       232  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
LinkHolderArray::replace                                                         1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       712  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal                                          1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       240  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: OutputPageParserOutput                                                     1         0.004         0.004         0.001%       232  (        0.004 -        0.004) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateToolboxEnd                                                     1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec                                           1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       240  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: UserLoadFromSession                                                        1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: GetCanonicalURL                                                            1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: BeforePageDisplay                                                          1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: PageRenderingHash                                                          1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: ArticleViewHeader                                                          1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SkinSubPageSubtitle                                                        1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: GetNewMessagesAlert                                                        1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: ParserBeforeInternalParse                                                  1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: InternalParseBeforeSanitize                                                1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       240  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: ParserLimitReport                                                          1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: ParserAfterTidy                                                            1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: RequestContextCreateSkin                                                   1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: GetDoubleUnderscoreIDs                                                     1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: InternalParseBeforeLinks                                                   1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SiteNoticeBefore                                                           1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SkinGetPoweredBy                                                           1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: UserGetLanguageObject                                                      1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SkinTemplatePreventOtherActiveTabs                                         1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       248  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateNavigation                                                     1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       232  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: SkinBuildSidebar                                                           1         0.003         0.003         0.001%       224  (        0.003 -        0.003) [0]
hook: UserEffectiveGroups                                                        1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinVectorStyleModules                                                     1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: TitleIsMovable                                                             1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink                             1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       256  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: OutputPageBeforeHTML                                                       1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: UserGetDefaultOptions                                                      1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: ArticleContentViewCustom                                                   1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: PersonalUrls                                                               1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: BaseTemplateToolbox                                                        1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SearchableNamespaces                                                       1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: LanguageGetNamespaces                                                      1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       232  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: SiteNoticeAfter                                                            1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: BeforeInitialize                                                           1         0.002         0.002         0.001%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: UserGetRights                                                              1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       224  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect                                             1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       240  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
hook: UserLoadAfterLoadFromSession                                               1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       240  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
SkinTemplate::prepareQuickTemplate-stuff-head                                    1         0.002         0.002         0.000%       248  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
Parser::replaceInternalLinks2-interwiki                                          1         0.000         0.000         0.000%       240  (        0.000 -        0.000) [0]

Total: 0.4776063587117
Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

That's good! :)

MediaWiki changed from mysql to misqli PHP functions (since mysql are now obsolete), and maybe the new mysqli functions changed the treatment of the "localhost" hostname. (talkcontribs)

Whoah, dbconnect-localhost took around 70% of the whole loading time (and this loading time was really huge). Now dbconnect- only takes less than 0.7% of a smaller amount of loading time. That is what I call a huge difference! This is not normal...

A1s2d3f4 (talkcontribs)

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction towards fixing it, whatever the underlying reason for this apparently new problem. (talkcontribs)

Wow, this is incredible! My local wiki has gone from taking 20 seconds to load every page to only 0.3 seconds! All from just changing localhost to in the DB server name.

This really needs to be written down somewhere... it's probably a pretty common issue for anyone with a local wiki on Windows.

Florianschmidtwelzow (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Nah, Apache. I also have IPv6 disabled entirely, so it isn't anything to do with that.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
2A02:A212:0:4B80:D18:24B3:CAA5:4E4D (talkcontribs)

localhost != for MySQL.

using the first means that MySQL first tries to use a unix socket (like /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock), if that doesn't work it resolves 'localhost' and connects with TCP.

Using the IP address skips all that and uses TCP right away. But that doesn't explain the time-out. Could be a shared hosting thing?